psychological signals

central page of a human personality

Page 1.

facial features or lineaments
face in physiognomy with planets
forces of astrological planets in signs
esoteric charts of universe
methods of astrology in physiognomy
facial projections in astrology
ratio of a human face
four elements and physiognomic charts

psychological signals of a human personality


Psychological signals in physiognomy.
The first page describes psychological signals which form system of a human personality, and which are perceived or produced by a person and are connected with facial features in view of physiognomy.


Psychological signals of a human personality.
Facial features in view of physiognomy.

Personality of a man is psychological system which cooperates with world around. If a person perceives world phenomena then perceives entering psychological signals, and if a man or woman influences world around then personality produces outgoing signals. Namely the psychological system of a human personality exchanges signals with world around.
Signals are perceived by consciousness and feelings and individuality that corresponds to three physiognomic spheres of a human face, or person produces outgoing psychological signals by means of consciousness and feelings and individuality.
The essence of signals can be different. It can be words or sensations or other mental phenomena which have conceivable contents for a person. If signals are conceivable by consciousness then have physiognomic projections in sphere of consciousness (forehead and eyebrows). If signals are conceivable by feelings then have physiognomic projections in sphere of feelings (lips and chin). If signals are conceivable by individuality then have physiognomic projections in sphere of individuality (nose). Namely abilities to perception and product of psychological signals can be seen in features or lineaments of a human face from the view point of physiognomy, that is shown on the chart.

psychological signals in features or lineaments of a face in view of physiognomy Three physiognomic spheres and 12 levels or otherwise to tell lineaments of the shown conditional contour of a human face in profile on the chart correspond to the twelve-level physiognomic facial system.
The necessary information about twelve-level physiognomic system look in other sections of this website, and in particular: half faces (concepts 1).


Arrows and daggers on the chart show entering and outgoing and processing psychological signals of a personality.
Physiognomic facial lineaments of consciousness.
The top of forehead corresponds with entering psychological signals and synthesizing consciousness which perceives phenomena of world around, namely perceives ideas and images which exist in the world.
The middle of forehead corresponds with processing psychological signals and integrating consciousness which chooses conceptions from set of ideas of a synthesizing mind and adapts according to thoughts of analytical mind.
Eyebrows correspond with outgoing psychological signals and analytical consciousness which produces thoughts which can be expressed by words or different ways and by that can influence world around.
Synthesizing consciousness is capable to unite ideas of a person in a single whole, but not capable to realize ideas in world around and consequently the basic function of synthesizing mind consists in perception of external signals. The analytical consciousness is capable to perceive world around, but perceives the isolated phenomena which do not make a complete picture, and consequently the basic function of analytical mind consists in realization of thoughts. The integrating consciousness is abstract from world around, namely does not accept entering signals and does not make outgoing signals, but integrating mind decomposes ideas to separate thoughts or transforms separate thoughts to complete ideas.
Three facial levels of human consciousness in view of physiognomy correspond with hierarchical norms of relations in a context of Confucian philosophy.
The information on three levels of consciousness, and also about hierarchical norms of relations in a context of the Chinese philosophy of Confucius look in sections: half faces (concepts 1 and 2).

Physiognomic facial lineaments of individuality.
The top of nose bridge
corresponds to entering psychological signals and melancholic temperament which do not influence world around but is subject to external influences.
The middle of nose bridge corresponds to outgoing psychological signals and choleric temperament which influences world around and is interested in responses to influence.
The bottom of nose bridge corresponds to entering psychological signals and phlegmatic temperament which does not influence world around and can be to not subject external influences.
The nose-tip corresponds to outgoing psychological signals and sanguine temperament which is capable to influence world around, but is indifferent to responses to influence.
Melancholic and phlegmatic types of temperaments perceive entering signals differently. The melancholic temperament is subject to external influences, and phlegmatic temperament can be not subject.
Choleric and sanguine types of temperaments too differently produce outgoing signals. The choleric temperament demands responses to outgoing signals, and sanguine temperament does not demand.
Four types of temperament correspond to four world elements: water, fire, earth, air.
And also four levels of a human face in sphere of individuality correspond with order of names in a context of Confucian philosophy, about what look the information in section which has the name: half faces (concepts 2).

Physiognomic facial lineaments of feelings.
The interval between nose and upper lip
corresponds to entering psychological signals and with the dependent regulated feelings which are consequence of perceived sensations.
The upper lip corresponds to processing psychological signals and with the independent regulated feelings which are a condition for identification of sensual sensations as own.
The lower lip corresponds with compromise feelings and with outgoing and entering psychological signals.
Compromise feelings are not dependent or independent, but a person is capable to produce own psychological signals and to influence world around, and also a person perceives entering signals of environment world.
The interval between lower lip and chin corresponds to processing psychological signals and dependent reactionary feelings which are caused by reactions of people to sensual displays of a person.
The chin corresponds to outgoing psychological signals and independent reactionary feelings according to which a person renders own reactionary influences on world around.
It is possible to tell that the lower lip specifies middle of physiognomic sphere of feelings and there correspond to differently directed psychological signals. Facial levels above a lower lip are perceiving external psychological signals. Facial levels below a lower lip are producing own psychological signals. Provided that independent feelings during perception of world around and dependent feelings during influence on world around are caused by denying of entering or outgoing psychological signals, that is necessary for identification of sensual sensations as own.
Five facial levels in physiognomic sphere of feelings correspond to five initial potentialities of the world in a context of the Greek philosophy.
The dependent regulated feelings correspond with the no formalized condition of a matter (initial potentiality of Chaos) and correspond to entering psychological signals, as the Chaos is a source of material world and sensations according to which a person perceives the world.
The independent regulated feelings correspond with creation (initial potentiality of Eros) and correspond to processing psychological signals, as the Eros is process as a result of which the no formalized matter gets the form shapes, and as a result sensations become concrete.
The compromise feelings correspond with the formalized condition of a matter (initial potentiality of Gaia) and correspond to outgoing and entering psychological signals, as the Gaia is an end in formation of a matter and in shaping of sensations that allows to produce own psychological signals and to influence world around, and also allows to perceive environment signals completely.
The dependent reactionary feelings
correspond with destruction (initial potentiality of Tartarus) and correspond to processing psychological signals, as the Tartarus is process as a result of which the formalized matter passes in the no formalized conditions. Namely as a result of interaction with the external world there is a mixture of psychological signals of a person to signals of the world, and as a result psychological isolation is necessary for identification of own sensations of the environment world.
The independent reactionary feelings correspond with transformation (initial potentiality of Uranus) and correspond to outgoing psychological signals which influence world around in full measure, as the Uranus means transformations as a result of which there are new kinds of a matter, and consequently a person is capable to produce psychological signals which are projected in world around and are carried out.
The information on five mythological initial potentialities of the world look in the other section of this site: half faces (concepts 2).
And also five facial levels in sphere of feelings in a context of physiognomy correspond with five elements of classical Chinese philosophy and with moral qualities of Confucian philosophy, about what also look the information on pages of this website.

Thus physiognomic lineaments of a human face specify psychological signals which influence a personality or which are produced by a person and influence people. If any lineaments of a human face are expressed (have the increased outlines) then corresponding psychological signals are significant, and if facial features are not expressed (have the reduced outlines) then corresponding signals are not significant.
If the chin is expressed then the man or woman produces own signals and influences people, and if the chin is not expressed then the man or woman does not aspire to influence.
If the interval between chin and lower lip is expressed then the man or woman avoids external influences and constrains displays of own feelings. and if this facial level is not expressed then the person does not constrain display of feelings, and in essence cannot separate from people and cannot identify own sensual sensations.
If the lower lip is expressed then psychological signals of the man or woman are commensurable with signals of world around, and if the lower lip is not expressed then the person avoids to open display of sensuality, and also tries to not perceive feelings of people.
If the upper lip is expressed then the person rejects external psychological signals and aspires to identification of own feelings, and if the upper lip is not expressed the man or woman is subject to influence of external signals and does not identify own feelings.
If the interval between upper lip and nose is expressed then the man or woman possesses perception of entering psychological signals, and if this facial level or lineament of a face is not expressed then perception of entering signals is not accented.
If the nose-tip is expressed
then individuality of the person produces outgoing psychological signals and influences people, and if the nose tip is not expressed then influence does not occur.
If the bottom of nose bridge is expressed then individuality of the man or woman perceives entering psychological signals. Phlegmatic temperament has the imperturbable perception and consequently the person seems imperturbable, but nevertheless if the bottom of nose bridge is expressed then there is a perception of entering signals. And if the bottom of nose bridge is not expressed then the person does not perceive signals.
If the middle of nose bridge is expressed then individuality of the man or woman produces outgoing signals and influences people, and if this facial lineament is not expressed then psychological signals do not possess influence.
If the top of nose bridge is expressed
then individuality of the person perceives entering psychological signals, and if this facial level or lineament of a face is not expressed then perception is absent.
If eyebrows are expressed
then the man or woman produces and shows own thoughts, and if eyebrows are not expressed then own thoughts are not shown.
If the middle of forehead is expressed then the person transforms external ideas and conceptions of people to own thoughts. And if this lineament of a face is not expressed then associative interrelations between conceptions of people and own thoughts are not formed in mind of the man or woman.
If the top of forehead is expressed then the person perceives ideas and conceptions of people, and if this facial lineament is not expressed the man or woman does not realize ideas and other entering signals of world around.
The listed values of psychological signals in a context of physiognomy correspond to meanings of planets in astrology.

The following page speaks about parities of physiognomic lineaments of a human face with planets in astrology, and also with astrological circle and signs on the zodiac.


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