Human emotions and physiognomy.
Physiognomic image and hexagram Yih-King 36.

physical parameters of global life and evolution of vital processes


Lineaments of a face and perception of a time.
Eyebrows: ideas are in the present / relative chronology of subjective human comprehensions.
Eyes: aspirations are in the past / inevitably final chronology of subjective human achievements.
Mouth: events are in the past / inevitably final chronology of subjective human actions.

Person understands sense of past events from the view point of present time.

Analytical formulas of the canon of changes.
1 (eyebrows) definite thinking is (mouth) uncorroborated evidence of (eyes) unconvinced existence.
(eyebrows) unforgettable reminiscences are (eyes) disappearing displays of (mouth) denied past.
(mouth) negative assumptions are (eyebrows) evident projections of (eyes) irrelevant future.

Life forms interrelations with energy and can be perceived as display of vital power. Therefore physical parameters of global life are equivalent to characteristics of energy, namely can possess kinetic and potential properties.
Kinetic properties of life are comparable to joyful and sad emotions which associate with evolution or involution of vital processes.
Potential properties of life are comparable with closed and open emotional displays of a human face, namely with absolute involution or maximal evolution of vital processes.


Following 37 facial image in gallery.
About physical parameters and evolution of vital processes, and also spatial dimensions of global life.