Human emotions and physiognomy.
Physiognomic image and hexagram Yih-King 23.

physical parameters of human face and sizes of power pressure


Lineaments of a face and perception of a time.
Eyebrows: ideas are in the future / infinite chronology of subjective human comprehensions.
Eyes: aspirations are in the present / relative chronology of subjective human achievements.
Mouth: events are in the present / relative chronology of subjective human actions.

Person thinks of the future but events endure at present time.

Analytical formulas of the canon of changes.
1 (eyebrows) affirmative thinking is (mouth) indisputable evidence of (eyes) absolute existence.
(eyebrows) doubtless reminiscences are (eyes) actual displays of (mouth) authentic past.
(mouth) objective assumptions are (eyebrows) intentional projections of (eyes) obvious future.

Potential energy is comparable with open and quiet emotions of a human face. Because if energy does not cooperate with other world categories there is no transformation of a power pressure to physical parameters of other world categories, that corresponds to quiet facial emotions. And if energy has maximal and absolute sizes then as a result of interaction with other world categories there is no reduction of power pressure, that is comparable with open emotions of a face.


Following 24 facial image in gallery.
About physical parameters of a human face and sizes of power pressure, and also fundamental world categories.