Human emotions and physiognomy.
Physiognomic image and hexagram Yih-King 1.

physiognomic images of emotional facial expressions and hexagrams


Lineaments of a face and perception of a time.
Eyebrows: ideas are outside of time / irrelative chronology of subjective human comprehensions.
Eyes: aspirations are outside of time / irrelative chronology of subjective human achievements.
Mouth: events are outside of time / irrelative chronology of subjective human actions.

Person stays outside of time.

Analytical formulas of the canon of changes.
1 (eyebrows) indefinite thinking is (mouth) vague evidence of (eyes) incomprehensible existence.
(eyebrows) forgotten reminiscences are (eyes) extraneous displays of (mouth) doubtful past.
(mouth) non objective assumptions are (eyebrows) uncertain projections of (eyes) unclear future.

Time is a fundamental principle of universe or otherwise to tell one of six global world categories according to which the world is organized. Therefore psychological and physical aspects of time are interconnected with other world categories which also are space, matter, energy, movement, life. Hence, it is possible to consider ratio of all six world categories with symbolical physiognomic images of emotional facial expressions and hexagrams of the canon of changes.


Following 2 facial image in gallery.
About gallery of facial lineaments and perception of global time, and also analytical formulas of emotions.