universe in physiognomy

facial traits or features

physiognomic lineaments of people
names of Roman gods
Scandinavian pantheon of deities
central tree or mountain of the world
stages in psycho-physiological evolution
psychic conditions or mental states

Page 7.

meanings of facial lineaments
opinions of people on facial beauty

paradise and universe in Divine Comedy of Dante


Physiognomy of facial traits and numbers of the universe.
The seventh page describes nine circles of heavenly paradise with numbers in numerology and facial traits or features of a human face. And also this page show general chart of the universe which is described in the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri.


Human physiognomy and numerology of the world.
Paradise and universe in Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri

Conductor of Dante in circles of heavenly paradise is Beatrice who personifies celestial consciousness, namely paradise is the extraphysical world where there is no operation of terrestrial reason which comprehends information by means of analytical conclusions, but in metaphysical space of paradise there is a direct perception of true. Namely the terrestrial reason is capable to comprehend images of the terrestrial physical world and also metaphysical images of the hell and purgatory, but paradise has the nature of extraphysical light which is not accessible to reason.
Images of paradise can be accessible to perception if a man is capable to see extraphysical nature of celestial light, and consequently displays of paradise in psychological features of human character too are difficult to distinguish, but nevertheless paradise has projections in physiognomy of facial traits and corresponds with numbers in numerology the same as other worlds of the universe which is described in the Divine Comedy.
Paradise consists of seven circles or heavens which correspond to seven planets in astrology, and also paradise includes the sphere of stars and the maximum sky where there is the Primum Mobile or otherwise to tell the source of consciousness, that is comparable to philosophical concepts of Aristotle and notions of medieval philosophy which has been used by Dante in the Divine Comedy. In aggregate paradise consists of nine levels which correspond to 9 numbers in numerology and nine traits of a human face in physiognomy, that is shown on the chart.

numbers of numerology and circles of paradise of Dante in the Divine Comedy Features of a human face on the chart correspond to nine-level physiognomic system which corresponds to nine numbers or numerical signs in numerology.
Facial traits from the chin to eyebrows and circles of heavenly paradise from 1 to 7 correspond to seven planets in astrology.
Middle of forehead corresponds with celestial sphere of stars which are the highest level of universe.
Top of forehead corresponds with the universal Primum Mobile.
Heavenly paradise up to the fourth circle is shined by the sun which symbolizes extraphysical light of consciousness, and subsequent circles of paradise and universe are illuminated by light of Spirit.


The sequence of planets in the Divine Comedy corresponds to medieval astrology and is based on philosophical concepts of Aristotle: moon - mercury - venus - sun - mars - jupiter - saturn - stars. But planets have other sequence according to philosophical concepts of Plato: moon - sun - mercury - venus - mars - jupiter - saturn - stars. And also in modern astrology other sequence of planets is applied: sun - moon - mercury - venus - mars - jupiter - saturn - uranus - neptune. Therefore it is possible to correlate levels of paradise and universe to astrological planets according to different sequences.
Look information on ratio of astrological planets with world levels and numbers of the universe on pages of other website www.numeralgame.64g.ru. In particular look information that the order of planets in a context of Aristotle's philosophy corresponds to seven days of week in view of astrology of ancient Babylon.
First circle of paradise - chin in facial traits and number one.
In the sky of moon there is moving to perfection of human souls which were compelled to break a vow but have kept aspiration to perfection. Namely it is souls of people who have comprehended light of true and have accepted necessary conditions and obligations which conduct to perfection, but they could not carry out. And still it is souls which have achieved perfection as aspirations determine the purpose which will be achieved even if conditions and obligations are not observed, but if aspirations to perfection is kept.
Realization of conditions and obligations demands strong-willed efforts, and consequently the first circle of paradise corresponds with the chin in physiognomic facial traits, that means reactionary feelings according to which a man carries out strong-willed actions.
Second circle of paradise - lower lip in facial traits and number two.
In the sky of mercury there is moving to perfection of ambitious souls which aspired to glory and honors, and they have carried out aspirations. Namely it is souls of people who aspired to good glory and best honors, and aspirations was sincere.
The second circle of paradise corresponds with the physiognomic trait of lower lip which means compromise feelings according to which desires of a man contradict or do not contradict people, and consequently aspirations to glory can be carried out according to opinions of people and contrary to opinions of other people, but in any case such human soul achieves perfection if sincere aspirations are carried out.
Pay attention that sometimes people stick out or show off lower lips that means emotional expression of ambition in view of mimic signs and emotions of human faces.
Third circle of paradise - upper lip in facial traits and number three.
In the sky of venus there is moving to perfection of human souls which carried out own original personal features, namely these are souls of people who did not aspire to a conceit prestige of affairs, but they showed natural own properties and original features.
These souls do not occupy another's positions and do not wish to be more significant rather than actually, and consequently they are glad to each new soul which appears in the third circle of paradise. Therefore in the Divine Comedy these souls are named as full of love.
The third circle of paradise corresponds to physiognomy of upper lip which means the regulated feelings according to which desires of many people can be coordinated, and each man can have own inherent value.
Fourth circle of paradise - nose-tip in facial traits and number four.

Sunlight blocks movement upwards for a look in this sky, but also the sunlight illuminates the worlds which are located below, namely the fourth circle is border of the realized reality and limit of all knowledge.
In this circle of paradise there is moving to perfection of wise human souls which aspired to comprehension of true,  and light of the sun symbolizes connection of many souls which possess individual points of view on true, but together they form garlands (rings) of general knowledge.
The fourth circle of paradise corresponds with the physiognomic facial trait of nose-tip which means radical individuality according to which a man declares itself among people, that corresponds to individual understanding of true by each soul.
Pay attention that wisdom in the paradise world corresponds with the nose-tip and facial sphere of individuality, but wisdom corresponds with top of forehead and facial sphere of consciousness in the Limbo at first circle of infernal world. It is caused by a key question of philosophy on immortality of consciousness or individuality of a man. Namely in the Limbo of infernal world there are souls of philosophers and thinkers which aspired to hold in remembrance itself in ideas of people, and in essence they aspired to immortality of consciousness, but the paradise world is the immortality of individualities that is the valid divine true.
Look more detailed information on immortality of consciousness and individuality in the other section of this website: half faces (concepts 2).

Fifth circle of paradise - middle of nose bridge in facial traits and number five.
Essence of existence and psychic conditions of human souls are incomprehensible in the sky of mars, as the fifth circle and subsequent circles of paradise are outside of sunlight, namely here there are no own aspirations but free will is connected to will of the God. Souls of people aspired to perfection in the previous circles of paradise, but above there are souls which are accomplished as their wishes are identical to divine will.
The fifth circle of paradise corresponds with facial physiognomic middle of nose bridge which means voluntary individuality according to which a man carries out own wishes and free will, but if human wishes are predetermined by the God then human soul is accomplished.
Sixth circle of paradise - top of nose bridge in facial traits and number six.
Perfection of souls in the sky of jupiter consists in justice, namely these are souls of people who have condemned itself and as a result they are exempted from condemnation.
The sixth circle of paradise has conformity with facial physiognomy of nose bridge top which means administrative individuality according to which a man judges people, and also is capable to condemn himself that is a condition of perfection and clearing of condemnation.
Seventh circle of paradise - eyebrows in facial traits and number seven.

Perfection of souls in the sky of saturn consists in contemplation which opens esoteric motives of events which are predetermined by the God, namely these are souls of people who perceived the world as a plan of the God, and they considered own life as an integral part or a share which has essential value for realization of divine plan.
The seventh circle of paradise corresponds with the physiognomic facial trait of eyebrows which mean analytical consciousness according to which a man analyzes the world, and also can perceive motive reasons of events occurring in the world as the divine plan, if predetermination of the God is open to perception.
Eighth circle of paradise - middle of forehead in facial traits and number eight.
Perfection of souls in heavenly sphere of stars is direct reflection of spiritual light or otherwise to tell divine Pleroma in view of the Gnostic Christian philosophy. These are perfect souls which carry out comparison of own innermost essence with true of spirit, and they are convinced in authenticity of comparison.
The eighth circle of paradise corresponds with facial physiognomy of forehead middle which means integrating consciousness according to which there is a comparison of different sources of information, that similarly to processes which occur as a result of comparison of human soul essences to the source of spiritual light.
Ninth circle of paradise - top of forehead in facial traits and number nine.
This space where individualities are incorporated with the source or Primum Mobile of the existing universe.
In this sky there are no souls as such, as human souls possess individualities or otherwise to tell self-consciousness, but in this space there is connection with the source of universal consciousness that excludes existence of individualities. Namely individuality of a man disappears and there is a spirit which is not soul as such.
The ninth circle of paradise corresponds with the facial trait of forehead top which means synthesizing consciousness according to which a man unites ideas of many people, that similarly to connection with the source of universe.
Behind of nine circles of paradise and outside universe in verses of Divine Comedy there is the divine world or Empyrean where nine circles correspond to nine grades of angels. Outside hierarchy of angels there is the God or otherwise to tell Divine Pronoia of the Invisible Spirit which is the prototype of universe and aeons of the perfect divine world, and also is image of the Invisible Spirit in a context of the Gnostic Christian philosophy. Total the universe consists of four worlds:
- physical terrestrial world;
- metaphysical worlds of hell and purgatory;
- extraphysical world of paradise.
And also the universe is penetrated by circles of Empyrean which is formed by circles of angels and aeons of the perfect world, behind which Pronoia of the God reaches, that is shown on the chart.

Garden of Eden is outside of universe between purgatory and heavenly paradise The sides of square specify four worlds of the universe, and corners of square specify key points which are links of worlds. In the center of square there is Empyrean and nine grades of angelic hierarchy. And also with the center of square and Empyrean in the chart there correspond aeons of the perfect world and Pronoia of the God.
Limbo reaches in the highest level of terrestrial world but concerns to the first circle of hell.
Lucifer is compressed in the interval of hell and purgatory.
Earthly paradise or Garden of Eden is outside of the universe but has position between purgatory and heavenly paradise.
Primum Mobile reaches in the highest level of heavenly paradise.
Empyrean is the space of angels and divine aeons of the perfect world, but also souls of people form the paradise Rose in this spatial area.
Empyrean penetrates four worlds of universe and consequently angels permeate into space of four worlds where souls of people are incarnated.

More detailed information on world structures in the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri I shall try to publish in the future. The information on structures of celestial world in a context of the Gnostic Christian philosophy look on pages of this website in section with the name divine categories.

The following page correlates physiognomy of human facial traits to special symbols which have the name "tridigrams" and are analogues of nine numbers in numerology.


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