physiognomy and gods of Rome

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gods of Rome in myths and numerology


Gods of the Roman mythology and numerology.
The second page gives the information on gods of the Roman mythology and other mythological gods of the ancient world in comparison with nine numbers in numerology and lineament traits in physiognomy of a human face.


Physiognomy and Roman mythology.
gods of Rome in myths and numerology

In the most ancient Roman mythology there was a notion about "numina" as about forces which are peculiar to world phenomena and including are peculiar to gods. The word numina is conformable for numero and consequently it is possible to assume that in ancient Roman mythology and philosophy there was a notion about numbers, or otherwise to tell about numerological signs which correspond with gods. In late antique Roman mythology any comparisons of gods with numerological numbers are not known.
And also in the Greek mythology or philosophy there are no direct comparisons of numbers to gods, and including are not present in the kept books of philosophers of Pythagorean school, but such comparisons are obvious.
Gods of the Roman mythology have original names which differ from the Greek names but in essence the Roman gods are derivatives from the Greek mythology.
Characteristics of gods in the Roman and Greek mythological systems too differ, as the hierarchical pantheon of Roman gods had comparison with social structures of the Roman republic that differed from social structures of the Greek democracy.
The Roman gods were display of three social functions according to which hierarchical triads were generated, that is shown on the chart.

magic square of numbers in numerology and triads of Roman gods Names of Roman gods and numerological numbers are shown on the chart within frameworks of magic squares which are the geometrical matrix of nums in numerology, about what look the detailed information on pages of other website

In the Archaic triad of mythological gods of Rome.
Jupiter plays an ideological role or otherwise to tell carries out ideological function, namely is a deity of priests and ruling estate (class).
Mars is personification of war estate that corresponds to military social function.
Quirinus carries out economic and craft (industrial) functions.
In the Capitoline triad of the Roman mythology.
Jupiter and Juno are spouses who personify emperor and empress.
Minerva is personification of aristocracy and enlighten estates of society.
Jupiter plays an ideological role.
Juno carries out economic functions.
Minerva corresponds with military social function.
In the Plebeian triad of ancient Rome myths.
Liber and Libera are spouses who personify freedom and equality of estates.
Ceres personifies equal distribution of public riches.
The plebeian triad of gods in a context of history of ancient Rome contradicted to the Capitoline triad in struggle of plebeians with patricians.
Besides in the Roman mythology there were gods Mercury and Venus who are not included into number of triads, but they personify trading commercial estate that corresponds to characteristics of Mercury, or idle estates of society that corresponds to characteristics of Venus.
In total gods of the Roman mythology are comparable with nine numerological numbers and gods of the Greek mythology, and accordingly are comparable with physiognomic traits of a human face that is shown in the chart.

gods of Roman mythology and physiognomic traits of a face in the chart Top of forehead - num 9 - goddess Venus.
Middle of forehead - num 8 - god Liber.
Eyebrows - num 7 - god Quirinus.
Top of nose bridge - num 6 - deities Jupiter and Ceres.
Middle of nose bridge - num 5 - goddess Minerva.
Nose-tip - num 4 - goddess Juno.
Upper lip - num 3 - god Mercury.
Lower lip - num 2 - goddess Libera.
Chin - num 1 - god Mars.


Top of forehead - Venus in mythology - nine in numerology.
Goddess Venus in myths of ancient Rome personified "favor of gods" and was the patroness of Romans. Roman emperors believed that Venus is favorable to imperial authority and brings success or good luck. Namely Venus in a context of the Roman mythology symbolized "beautiful lifestyle" or otherwise to tell a smart life, and also entertainment spheres of human activity and idle bohemian existence in a society, that differs from the Greek Aphrodite who personified universal love or charm, that is comparable to principles of synthesizing consciousness in a context of physiognomy of a human face.
Middle of forehead - Liber in mythology - eight in numerology.
Liber in myths of ancient Rome is the god of freedom which resolves liberal behavior of people, and also supposes asocial or anarchical behavior which does not depend on laws of empire, but is normal in view of laws of a natural life and spontaneous morals.
Eyebrows - Quirinus in mythology - seven in numerology.
Quirinus in myths of ancient Rome is the god of national assembly and the regulator of social order, namely Quirinus organize a civil society and creates conditions of social development, and including creates conditions of technical progress.
Top of nose bridge - Jupiter and Ceres in mythology - six in numerology.
Jupiter in myths of ancient Rome is the god of supreme authority. Roman emperors swore with Jupiter's name, namely this god personifies fidelity to an oath and loyalty to imperial states that is expressed in patriotism.
Ceres in myths of ancient Rome is the goddess of fertility and material welfare, namely Ceres distributes food resources and is main in the Plebeian triad of mythological gods.
Middle of nose bridge - Minerva in mythology - five in numerology.
Goddess Minerva in myths of ancient Rome is the patroness of arts and professions which have public value, namely which are representative in view of social statuses of people, that differs from characteristics of Greek Athena who is a personification of public duty which is not caused by social statuses.
Nose-tip - Juno in mythology - four in numerology.
Juno in myths of ancient Rome is the goddess of marriage and motherhood, namely Juno is the wife of Jupiter and consequently she personifies family foundations of a society which are required for well-being of imperial states. And also Juno personified financial functions of the Roman state.
Upper lip - Mercury in mythology - three in numerology.
Mercury in myths of ancient Rome is the god of trade and commerce.
Lower lip - Libera in mythology - two in numerology.
Goddess Libera in myths of ancient Rome has comparison with the Greek Artemis, and also this goddess of Roman mythology can be compared with the Greek Ariadne who was the wife of Dionysus.
Mythological Ariadne has helped Theseus to find a way out of a labyrinth and to kill the Minotaur who symbolized the government and was identified with the Jupiter. Namely Ariadne breaks laws of empire and principles of national state patriotism, but she observes rules which correspond to her notions about norms of a public life and meet her wishes or satisfy desires.
Similarly Libera in the Plebeian triad of Roman gods is the goddess who supposes willful acts and allows to break social rules, and also public norms of behavior and administrative laws which contradict desires of people.
Besides number 2 in numerology and lower lip in physiognomy correspond with the Roman goddess Diana who is identical to the Greek Artemis.
Chin - Mars in mythology - one in numerology.
Mars in myths of ancient Rome is the god of military estate and a healthy sports lifestyle.
The Roman Mars is the god of war which is necessary for pacification and establishment of peaceful policy of world order, that differs from characteristics of Greek Ares who is the god of provocative and unreasonable war for the sake of personal superiority over opponents.
In the Greek mythology the goddess of war also was Athena who personified fair war and had other characteristics rather than Greek Ares or Roman Mars. Namely Ares personified aggression, but principles of fair war for Greeks consist in self-sacrifice and individual heroism for the sake of preservation of national culture and independence, that corresponds to characteristics of Athena.
More detailed characteristics of mythological gods of ancient Rome and Greece look in other sources of information. And in particular look encyclopedias of world nation myths and mythological dictionaries where short articles contain rather capacious data.
According to the listed characteristics of mythological gods it is possible to speak about characters and psychological features of people in a context of physiognomy, if corresponding lineaments of human faces are expressed. Or it is possible to speak about lacks of character and diffident psychological features if corresponding facial traits are not expressed.
Prototypes of mythological gods of Ancient Greece and Rome were deities of all world nations, as Greeks and Romans assimilated people, and as a result there were pantheons of gods and mythological systems which accumulated knowledge of all people. Namely Greek and Roman mythologies have collected and systematized myths and legends which were known in space of all human civilization. And also myths and legends have been written that has made the Greek mythology unique, as myths of other nations of the world either were not kept, or are insufficient for understanding of psychological features and characteristics of gods in view of physiognomy and numerology.
For example, data on Slavic mythology were not kept, namely there is no certain mythological order according to which Slavic gods are systematized, and also there are no parallels between names of gods in different Slavic languages.
According to the Stories of Time Years (Tale of Bygone Years or Russian Primary Chronicle) the grand duke Vladimir in Kiev in 980 BC year has created the nation-wide pagan pantheon of old Russian gods to organize Russia (east Slavs) in the uniform state, and he has established seven idols of Perun, Hors, Dazhbog, Stribog, Simargl, Mokosh, and also idol of Veles. Namely the grand duke Vladimir has collected idols of pagan gods of all Russian lands in Kiev to create the state pantheon, that is written in the Russian Primary Chronicles, but characteristics of these gods are not known.
There is an information that gods of Slavic mythology have been connected with days of week, and in particular the fifth day of week Friday has been devoted to Mokosh, that corresponds with number 5 and consequently the first Christian temples on Russian land in Kiev, Novgorod, Polotsk, Suzdal have been devoted to Sofia who is identical for Greek Athena and to number 5 in numerology. But actually any trustworthy information about Slavic gods is absent, as the grand duke Vladimir in 988 BC year has refused pagan idols and has accepted Christianity.
Similarly many other myths of ancient nations of the world were not kept, or are insufficient for understanding of psychological characteristics and comparison of gods to numbers in numerology.
Besides mythological systems of the ancient world in some cases have different interpretations of names and mixtures of characteristics which gods possess, as systems of myths developed during the long periods of time and as a result there were different interpretations, that does not allow to do unequivocal comparisons of gods to numbers in numerology.
For example, in myths of ancient Egypt there is the information on several mythological schemes or systems according to which pantheons of gods were organized.
Atum was the primary god in cosmogony of Heliopolis.
Ptah was the primary god in cosmogony of Memphis.
In cosmogony of Hermopolis initially there are 8 gods who have arisen from chaos.
In cosmogony of Thebes initially there are 3 gods and Amun were the central god.
As a result of association of religious sights of the different theological centers of ancient Egypt there was a mixture of names and there were complex mythological images which correspond with numbers in numerology difficultly and ambiguously. But the Greek civilization had one center and consequently the Greek mythology is the most complete and unique in comparison with myths of other nations of the world.
More detailed information on myths of ancient Egypt, and also information on myths of ancient India, and parities of Hindu gods with numbers in numerology and physiognomy of a human face I shall try to publish in the future.
Now look the information on parities of Hindu and Vedic mythological gods with numerological numbers and signs of zodiac in astrology on pages of other website

The following page compares numbers in numerology and physiognomic traits of a human face to gods of the Scandinavian mythology which is comparable with Greek and Roman gods.


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