elements in a human face

central page of facial physiognomy

nose and upper lip
sizes of signs in astrology
symbols of twelve signs on the chart
system of point forces for planets
Moon and Saturn in zodiacal Crab
astrological characteristics of the sun
character traits and psychological features

Page 8.

facial profile shapes in photos

four elements and physiognomy of a face  

Astrological circle and facial physiognomy.
The eighth page speaks about ratio of physiognomy of a human face with world elements which form structure of astrological circle. And also about proportional and disproportionate correlations of physiognomic lineaments according to ratio with world elements in a context of astrology.


Four elements and physiognomy of a face.
Triangles and crosses of astrological circle.

According to ratio of physiognomy of a human face with astrological planets and signs of the zodiac it is possible to speak about psychological features of people, about what it was told on the previous pages of this site section, but besides it is possible to consider ratio of facial lineaments in physiognomy of a face with four world elements which form astrological circle and have conformity with signs on the zodiac.
Four world elements are known: fire, earth, air, water which in structure of astrological circle form four triangles and three crosses or squares, as shown in the chart.

crosses and triangles of four elements in astrological circle

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius -  triangle of fire elements.
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - triangle of earth elements.
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - triangle of air elements.
Crab, Scorpio, Pisces - triangle of water elements.
Aries, Crab, Libra, Capricorn - cardinal cross of four elements.
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius - fixed cross of four elements.
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces - mutable cross of four elements.
Each triangle unites zodiacal signs of one element type, and each cross connects zodiacal signs of four elements.
The shown triangles and crosses of astrological circle corresponds with physiognomy of a human face according to ratio of zodiacal signs with facial levels, that is possible to see on the following chart.

four elements of astrology and facial physiognomy of psychological features Top of forehead - fixed fire.
Middle of forehead - cardinal water.
Eyebrows - mutable air.
Top of nose bridge - fixed earth.
Middle of nose bridge - cardinal fire.
Bottom of nose bridge - mutable water.
Nose-tip - fixed air.
Interval between nose and upper lip - cardinal earth.
Upper lip - mutable fire.
Lower lip - fixed water.
Interval between lower lip and chin - cardinal air.
Chin - mutable earth.

According to ratio of physiognomic lineaments of a human face with triangles and crosses of four world elements it is possible to speak about psychological features of a human personality. As triangles mean harmonious aspects, and crosses mean disharmonious aspects of zodiacal signs according to rules of astrology.
For example, if a person has the expressed top of forehead and nose tip which correspond with zodiacal signs Leo and Aquarius then these facial lineaments are disproportional. As Leo and Aquarius in structure of astrological circle correspond with the fixed cross of four elements, that is the reason of disproportion and possible contradictions of psychological features.
Also if top of forehead and nose-tip are not expressed then these facial lineaments are disproportional, as these physiognomic levels of a face correspond with the fixed cross of four elements.
Namely if any physiognomic levels of a human face are expressed or not expressed concerning other levels, and correspond with any triangles or crosses of four elements then facial lineaments are proportional or disproportional. Namely human facial lineaments are disproportional if in structure of astrological circle correspond to signs on the zodiac which form aspects of 90 or 180 degrees. Or facial lineaments are proportional if there correspond to signs on the zodiac which form aspects 30, 60, 120, 150 degrees.
For example, conditional outlines of a face in profile shown on the chart.

physiognomy of facial lineaments and astrology of zodiacal signs


Outline 1st - top of forehead and nose tip are expressed concerning other not expressed physiognomic levels, that is the disproportion and attribute of psychological contradictions as these facial features correspond with the fixed cross of four elements.
Outline 2nd - top of forehead and nose tip are not expressed concerning other expressed facial levels, that also is the disproportion and attribute of psychological contradictions.
Outline 3rd - eyebrows and nose tip are expressed concerning other not expressed lineament levels, that is proportional aspect and attribute of psychological steadiness as these facial features correspond with the triangle of air elements within astrological circle.
Outline 4th - eyebrows and nose tip are not expressed concerning other expressed levels of a face, that too is proportional aspect and attribute of psychological steadiness.
If proportional and disproportional aspects of facial levels are combined then physiognomy of a face is ambiguous (equivocal). For example, if a face concerning other facial lineaments have the expressed nose-tip and lower lip which correspond with the fixed cross of four elements, and also if a face have the expressed middle of nose bridge and upper lip which correspond with the triangle of fire elements, then simultaneously proportional and disproportional aspects of lineaments are attributes of the ambiguous inconsistent and counterbalanced psychological features of a personality.
During visual analyses of human faces in a context physiognomy it is possible to consider different complex variants according to which the expressed and not expressed facial lineaments are simultaneously interconnected by proportional and disproportional aspects. For example, if top of nose bridge is expressed, and also the chin and lower lip are expressed, then top of nose bridge is proportional with the chin and is disproportional with the lower lip, as these facial lineaments simultaneously correspond with the triangle of fire and the cardinal cross of four world elements. Accordingly it is possible to speak about complex combinations of the inconsistent and counterbalanced psychological features of a human personality according to ratio of physiognomic lineaments of a face in profile with four elements in a context of astrology.

The information on ratio of facial lineaments with triangles and crosses of four world elements within astrological circle can be interesting not only in physiognomy, but also in cosmetology and plastic surgery, and in particular for modeling shapes and planning rhinoplasty of a nose. Or for planning cosmetic procedures and operations on surgery corrections of lips, as wrong changes and corrections of original shapes of a face as a result of plastic operation can cause possible contradictions of psychological features of a person. As the nose is physiognomic projection of individuality, and lips are facial projections of feelings and sensuality of men and women.

The following page speaks about sympathetic and unsympathetic human relationships which are caused by ratios of physiognomic lineaments of human faces with triangles and crosses of four world elements within the limits of astrological circle.


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