facial signs and features

central page of facial signs

view point of physiognomy
nose bridge - Mars and Aries
characteristics of physiognomic lineaments
scientific astrology
Mercury in zodiacal Sagittarius

Page 6.

facial photos in profile
Aquarius - triangle of air elements
relationships with facial outlines

signs of the zodiac and features of a human face  

Signs and features of a human face.
The sixth page results the information on the compensated displays of astrological planets in signs of the zodiac, and describes psychological properties of the not expressed physiognomic levels of a human face. The given information allows to apply methods of astrology in physiognomy, as the compensated displays of planets in astrology are comparable to psychological displays of the not expressed facial lineaments in physiognomy.


The compensated displays of astrological planets.
Signs of the zodiac and features of a human face.

As it has been told on the previous pages, characteristics of not dominant and inverse exalted planets in signs on the zodiac correspond to reluctantly shown or undesirable psychological properties. Therefore if features of a human face correspond to not dominant or inverse exalted planets then the person aspires to show psychological properties of such physiognomic facial levels through other levels which correspond to zodiacal signs where planets dominate or exalt, that is the compensated display of planets in a context of physiognomy.
For example, the not dominant sun in Aquarius can be shown through zodiacal signs Aries or Scorpio or Leo. Or the inverse exalted sun in Taurus or Libra can be shown through zodiacal signs Aries or Scorpio or Leo, that is shown on charts.

displays of astrological planets and signs of the zodiac in astrology Sun is the dominant planet in Leo, and is the exalted planet in Aries and Scorpio, and consequently compensated displays of the Sun are possible through these signs of the zodiac.

Not dominant and inverse exalted planets correspond with the not expressed physiognomic lineaments of a human face and consequently the man aspires to compensated displays of psychological properties through the expressed facial lineaments where the appropriate planets are dominant or exalted. For example, if the nose tip according to the five-point scale of measurements corresponds with not dominant status of the sun then corresponding psychological properties can be shown through top of forehead or middle of nose bridge or lower lip where the sun has dominant or exalted statuses, that is shown in the table.

five-point scale of planet statuses in zodiacal signs for physiognomy of a face


Ratio of the sun with sizes of physiognomic levels are specified in cells of the table, and other cells are empty.
The information on ratios of other astrological planets with lineaments of a human face, and the five-point scale of statuses or forces in signs on the zodiac look in the table on 4th page of this section of website.
As it is possible to see, if the nose-tip is not expressed and according to the five-point scale of measurements is comparable with the not dominant status of the sun (2 points) then astrological characteristics of the sun are unnatural for psychological properties which in view of physiognomy correspond with the nose-tip. Namely characteristics or meanings of the sun in astrology are comparable to the social role of an aristocrat, and the nose tip in physiognomy corresponds with the social role of an official, and as a result psychological properties are shown unnaturally. Characteristics of the sun give individual superiority to the person that denies social justice rules which correspond to the social role of an official.
The information on hierarchical principles, according to which people play social roles, look in the other section of this website: half faces (concepts 2).
The sun in view of physiognomy has characteristic displays according to which the person plays the social role of aristocracy that is possible if the face has the expressed middle of nose bridge where the sun is the exalted planet. Therefore if the nose tip is not expressed, but the middle of nose bridge is expressed then the person understands social justice rules in view of the social role of aristocracy according to which equality of people is not natural, but the person authorizes the rights of people to self-determination. But if the middle of nose bridge is not expressed then the sun is not shown through the middle of nose bridge, as in that case at this level of a human face other planets matter.
Then the sun can be shown through the facial level of lower lip where the sun is the exalted planet if physiognomy of the lower lip is considerably expressed. Namely in this case the person according to compromise feelings at the facial level of lower lip seems benevolent and shows the benevolent attitude to people, that compensates the unnatural attitude which is shown at the level of nose tip.
Pay attention that the sun is shown in physiognomic facial sphere of individuality at the level of nose-tip, and is shown in facial sphere of feelings at the level of lower lip, that determines different astrological solar characteristics which environmental people feel and perceive. In sphere of individuality the sun seems as the reason of arrogance, that is natural to the social role of aristocracy if the middle of nose bridge is expressed, but is unnatural for social roles of emperor or officials if the top of nose bridge or nose-tip are not expressed. In sphere of feelings the sun seems as the reason of goodwill, that is natural to display of compromise feelings if the lower lip is expressed, and unnatural for display of dependent reactionary feelings if the interval between lower lip and chin is not expressed, as astrological characteristics of the sun do not allow the person to be reactionary. Namely the person indulges own desires and desires of people that is not correct at displays of reactionary feelings.
Besides astrological characteristics of the inverse exalted sun at the facial level of nose tip can be compensated by displays at the level of forehead top where the sun has the dominant status if the top of forehead is expressed also the person possesses the strong synthesizing consciousness according to which perceives public opinion and seems considerate towards people, as if the man reads ideas of people.
If the top of forehead or lower lip or the middle of nose bridge are not expressed then in features of a human face there are no physiognomic lineaments where the sun is dominant or exalted planet, and then compensated displays of the sun through the expressed facial levels cannot occur. In this case the sun is shown in physiognomy of a face as not dominant or inverse exalted planet.
In a similar way in a context of physiognomy it is necessary to analyze all features of a human face and to define astrological planets which are shown according to sizes of physiognomic lineaments according to the five-point or six-point scales of facial measurements. And also it is necessary to define facial features through which the compensated displays of planets are possible, that psychological meanings of a human face become clear in view of physiognomy and astrology.

The following page speaks about ratio of natal planets in astrological maps (charts) of birth with physiognomy of human faces.


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