
measurements of facial proportions

central page of physiognomic sizes

special unit of measurements
reference points of sizes
values of physiognomic proportions
sacral geometrical laws
information on laws of harmony
proportional facial features
geometrical figures and planets
information about measurements
discontent by facial appearance

Facial proportions in physiognomy.
Measurements of a face for cosmetic medicine.

This section of website continues the description of physiognomic principles according to which shapes of a human face in profile correspond to projections of human character traits. And this section of website describes methods for measurements of formal sizes and facial proportions that allows to define attributes of beauty and harmony in a context of physiognomy, or in cosmetic medicine and plastic surgery.

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The first page describes the special unit of measurements of the universal physiognomic scale within which it is possible to measure the sizes and proportions in shapes of human faces in a context of physiognomy.
The second and third pages
describe geometrical ratios which are physiognomic reference points of sizes and proportions of a human face. And also describes calculations according to which numerical values of physiognomic proportions can be considered as numbers in numerology, that according to meanings of numbers allows to speak about psychological features of people.
The fourth page describes the sacred Egyptian or Pythagorean triangle which is a geometrical figure which corresponds to sacral geometrical laws of the universe, and also sacred Egyptian triangle corresponds with proportions in features of a human face, that is necessary to consider in physiognomy.
The fifth and sixth pages
result the information on laws of harmony according to which faces of men and women are proportional if facial features coincide with lines of correct geometrical figures. Namely the information about the scale of measurements according to which in a context of physiognomy, and also in a context of plastic surgery and cosmetic medicine it is possible to calculate beauty in shapes of human faces by means of comparison with proportions of correct polygons.
The seventh page
results the information which allows to compare features of a human face to shapes of geometrical figures and planets in astrology, that allows to describe psychological features of people and properties of character traits from the view point of meanings of planets in astrology.
And also the seventh page gives information on mutual appeal of people according to ratios of facial features with geometrical figures and planets.
The eighth page
results the information about measurements of geometrical ratios and proportional parameters in shapes of human faces in a context of physiognomy, or in aesthetic medicine and cosmetic surgery, that can be necessary before plastic operations and cosmetic procedures.
The ninth page
results the information on psychological estimations of character traits according to ratio of a human face with planets in astrology, and also the brief information on the reasons of discontent by own facial appearance according to angular sizes of correct geometrical polygons in shapes and features of human faces, that is possible to consider in physiognomy, and also in clinics of cosmetic medicine and plastic surgery.


Also look within the limits of this website other sections with the information about physiognomy and proportions of human faces in profile.
Half faces (concepts 1) shows multilevel physiognomic systems according to which features of human faces are formally systematized according to symbols of the canon of changes i-jing, namely psychological values of facial levels in profile are compared to lines in symbols of the Chinese canon i-jing. And also this section of website represents gallery where symbolical images allow to identify types of half faces according to 64 hexagrams in the canon i-jing.
Half faces (concepts 2) formally compares physiognomy of a human face to philosophical concepts of ancient Greek philosophers, and also with Chinese philosophy of Confucius and various schools of ancient Indian philosophers, that allows to estimate philosophical sights of people according to physiognomic parameters of faces.
Half faces (concepts 4) shows the information on ratios in shapes of a human face with zodiac signs and planets within the limits of astrological circle, that allows to speak about characters of people according to formal parities of planets and zodiac signs of astrology with facial features in physiognomy.
Half faces (concepts 5) compares physiognomy of a face with the numerological scale of nine numbers, that allows to consider formal parameters of human appearance according to numerical values in numerology. And in particular according to pantheons of gods in various mythological systems of the ancient world, as gods correspond with numbers, or according to nine grades of angels and nine circles of the universe in the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri.

I hope that the shown measurements of human facial proportions will allow to understand geometrical principles of beauty and harmony, and will be useful during researches of faces not only in physiognomy, but also in clinics of plastic surgery and cosmetic medicine, as geometrical shapes of correct polygons are essential parameters of aesthetic beauty.

