schemes of physiognomy on

central page of of global categories

brain in a context of analytical psychology
face and hemispheres of a brain
world categories and physiognomy
human person and asymmetry
asymmetry in physiognomy
asymmetry in of a face

Page 7.

physiognomic projections
human face on the chart

physiognomy and schemes of a human person  

The seventh page considers fundamental world qualities and elements which are known from ancient Greek philosophy, and are comparable to mental functions of a human person and asymmetry of hemispheres of a brain in a context of analytical psychology, and also comparable to physiognomy of a human face.
Besides the seventh page speaks about global world categories which correspond with physiognomy of a human face and hemispheres of a brain in a context of analytical psychology, and also correspond with fundamental world qualities and elements of ancient Greek philosophy.

Elementary schemes of a human person.
Fundamental world qualities and elements.
System of global categories in analytical physiognomy.

In ancient Greek philosophy Aristotle described four qualities which objects of world around have, namely: hot, cold, wet, dry. And also in ancient Greek philosophy Empedocles and Democritus described four world elements which form the world around: earth, air, fire and water, that is shown on the chart:

chart of four elements of ancient greek philosophy


The elements of water is wet and cold, the elements of earth is dry and cold, the elements of air is hot and wet, the elements of fire is hot and dry.
Hot has aspiration to expansion and capture, cold has aspiration to compression and concentration, wet has uncertainty and instability, dry is concrete and affirmative.
Four world elements and four qualities have physiognomic projections to a human face that is shown on the following chart:
four elements and physiognomy of the right and left face The right introverted half of a face has cold quality, the left extraverted half of a face has hot quality, the top rational part of a face has dry quality, the bottom irrational part of a face has wet quality.
Logic function and the right top quarter of a face (combination of dry and cold) correspond with elements of earth.
Ethical function and the left top quarter of a face (combination of dry and hot) correspond with elements of fire.
Intuitive function and the right bottom quarter of a face (combination of wet and cold) correspond with elements of water.
Sensory function and the left bottom quarter of a face (combination of wet and hot) correspond with elements of air.

Otherwise it is possible to tell that the chart shows physiognomic projections of mental functions of hemispheres of a brain, and projections of fundamental world qualities and elements:
- the right eyebrow is in a quarter of the right introverted half of a face and the top rational part of a face, and is a physiognomic projection of the left hemisphere of a brain which is a source of logic and display for elements of earth;
- the left eyebrow is in a quarter of the left extraverted half of a face and the top rational part of a face, and is a physiognomic projection of the right hemisphere of a brain which is a source of ethics and display for elements of fire;
- the right corner of a mouth is in a quarter of the right introverted half of a face and the bottom irrational part of a face, and is a physiognomic projection of the left hemisphere of a brain which is a source of intuition and display for elements of water;
- the left corner of a mouth is in a quarter of the left extraverted half of a face and the bottom irrational part of a face, and is a physiognomic projection of the right hemisphere of a brain which is a source of sensory and display for elements of air.
Pay attention that the right half of a face is a physiognomic projection of the left hemisphere of a brain, and the left half of a face is a physiognomic projection of the right hemisphere of a brain.
Also pay attention that intuitive and logic functions correspond with the right extraverted half of a face and consequently occur from the left hemisphere of a brain, and sensory and ethical functions correspond with the left introverted half of a face and consequently occur from the right hemisphere of a brain.
According to ratio of features of a human face with world qualities and elements it is possible to speak about features of human character:
- if the man is rational then has "dry" quality;
- if the man is irrational then has "wet" quality;
- if the man is introvert then has "cold" quality "
- if the man is extravert then has "hot" quality;
- if conducting mental function is the logic then the man is "dry and cold";
- if conducting mental function is the ethics then the man is "dry and hot";
- if conducting mental function is the intuition then the man is "wet and cold";
- if conducting mental function is the sensory then the man is "wet and hot".
Except for fundamental world qualities and elements in philosophy there are known global world categories: space, time, matter, energy, movement, life which too are shown on the chart. These categories determine a structure of the world, and also determine existence of a man in the world, namely the psychology of a man depends on how the human brain perceives space and time, matter and energy, movement and life. Namely the perception of six world categories determines different attitudes to the world and accordingly determines different psychological characteristics of people, provided that the right and left hemispheres of a brain have different perception.
There are many researches of features of a human brain and features of human perception but the basic essence consists in the following.
The right hemisphere of a brain perceives time synchronous to the validity.
The left hemisphere of a brain perceives a chronological sequence of time.
The right hemisphere of a brain is guided in direct space.
The left hemisphere of a brain perceives topographical projections of space.
The left hemisphere of a brain has a detailed perception of material objects (forms).
The right hemisphere of a brain has complete perception of material objects (forms).
The left hemisphere of a brain perceives sign contents (perceives sense of words).
The right hemisphere of a brain perceives figurative impressions (perceives intonations of words).
The perception of time and space is connected to irrational mental functions and projected on the bottom part of a face, namely corresponds to intuitive and sensory perception of the world, and intuitive function grows out chronological perception of time and topographical perception of space, and sensory function grows out perception of valid time and perception of direct space.
The perception of matter and energy is connected to rational mental functions and projected on the top part of a face, namely corresponds to logic and ethical perception of the world, and logic function grows out the detailed perception of objects and perception of sign contents, and ethical function grows out complete perception of objects and perception of the not sign (figurative) contents. Namely material objects or forms are perceived completely or detailed (the ethical perception is complete and the logic perception is detailed), and thus objects have power or contents which is perceived as complete impressions or as marks which allow to detail impressions (the logic perception is sign and detailed, and the ethical perception is not sign and complete).
More detailed data on functional features of a brain and about perception of the world by means of different hemispheres of a brain look in other sources of the information.
In addition it is possible to tell:
- the intuition perceives abstract systematic space as projections of speculative reference points and coordinates;
- the sensory perceives concrete measurable space as visible arrangements and distances;
- the intuition perceives potential time as continuous prospect of the past and the future;
- the sensory perceives valid time as the fixed interval of the present;
- the abstract projective perception of space is a strategic disposition outside of an operative field;
- the concrete measurable perception of space is a tactical disposition in an operative field;
- the potential time are sets of events in the consecutive periods of years and epoch without the valid duration of current time (outside of duration of time);
- the valid time are alternations of events and terms (perception of duration of time) outside of calendar extent of time intervals;
- the logic details specific attributes of objects as measures and parameters of the subject world;
- the ethics generalize attributes of objects as universal qualities of the subject world;
- the logic distinguishes images of objects as separate semantic values;
- the ethics integrate images of objects as the interconnected concepts;
- the detailed perception of matter and semantic perception of energy is randomness of forms and involuntariness of contents;
- the generalized perception of matter and conceptual perception of energy is involuntariness of forms and randomness of contents.
It is necessary to take into account that the listed features of the right and left hemispheres of a brain are actual if one of hemispheres is switched off. Namely the man perceives abstract space, potential time, detailed attributes of material objects, semantic values of world energy if really one left hemisphere of a brain (it is displayed on the right half of a face), and perceives concrete space, valid time, general attributes of material objects, generalized concepts of world energy if really one right hemisphere of a brain (it is displayed on the left half of a face). But hemispheres of a brain are valid both, and also are not isolated from each other and consequently the man perceives the united picture of the world which results from parity of hemispheres.

Thus four mental functions form structure of a human person which includes 16 variants of functional types that is applicable for comparison of a human person with system of fundamental world qualities and elements, and also for comparison of a human person with system of global world categories. Provided that four categories are considered: matter, energy, time, space which are base in structure of a human person, and categories movement and life are not taken into account, as the system of 16 functional types does not take into account psychological directions of a person which correspond with categories: movement and life.
From the philosophical point of view it is difficult to explain sense of movement and life, and frequently these concepts are not considered in a number of other world categories but they are necessary for descriptions of the world and for descriptions of structure of a human person as determine cardinal properties of human individuality. The category movement determines intensive or not intensive interaction with the world, and the category life determines the personal (nominal) or not personal (not nominal) attitude to the world. In particular the personal attitude to the world are aspects of individuality according to which people organize the world and establish laws of existence, and the not personal attitude are aspects of individuality according to which laws of existence are established in the world irrespective of people. Intensive movement are aspirations to realization of events and stimulation of development of events, and not intensive movement is a perception of events during their realization. And also other psychological properties of a human person are caused by categories movement and life, and caused by hemispheres of a brain, and in essence are the reason of introversion or extraversion.
The right hemisphere of a brain generates the intensive attitude to the world.
The left hemisphere of a brain creates the not intensive attitude to the world.
The right hemisphere of a brain identifies a person of the man with events of the world.
The left hemisphere of a brain removes a person of the man from events of the world.

The extraverted direction of a person corresponds with the left half of a face and the left eye, but is a projection of the right hemisphere of a brain and consequently means intensity and identification with events of the world, namely the man depends on the world and aspires to influence world around. The introverted direction of a person corresponds with the right half of a face and the right eye, but is a projection of the left hemisphere of a brain and consequently means the not intensive attitude to the world and removal from events of the world, namely the man does not depend on the world and does not aspire to influence world around.
It is possible to tell that the left hemisphere of a brain allows a person of the man to be independent, and the right hemisphere of a brain demands dependence and aspiration in world around.
During comparison of functional types of a human person with philosophical system of fundamental world qualities and elements, and also during comparisons with system of global world categories, it is necessary to take into account categories: movement and life, and by that it is necessary to take into account that each functional type can have different kinds of psychological directions of a person (different kinds of introversion and extraversion). Namely it is necessary to take into account that 16 functional types are elementary schemes of a person in which four psychological parameters are taken into account, but general set of 64 psychological types is more complex set of psychological parameters.

The following page lists 16 functional types and specifies psychological parameters of each type.

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