Physiognomy of symbolical emotions.
Hexagram of the canon of changes YiKing 4.

physiognomy of facial emotions in compositions of fine art pictures ratio of facial emotions of physiognomic symbols with images of painting

If you are the artist or painter then can draw art pictures according to hexagrams of the canon of changes YiKing, and actually according to ratio of facial emotions of the shown physiognomic symbols with objects which are represented in images of painting. Because compositions of art pictures in most cases include a basis or a ground which is a scene of action, that is comparable to emotions of a mouth. And also compositions of art pictures have alive subjects or characters who are a matter of attention, that is comparable to emotions of eyes. And also in compositions of fine art pictures there is a sky or visual space which surrounds painting characters and corresponds with facial emotions of eyebrows.
Besides it is possible to correlate facial emotions of painting characters with visual compositions of art pictures or color drawings according to hexagrams of the canon of changes and physiognomic symbols of emotional displays or manifestations of a human face which are shown in this online gallery.


Emotions of social relationships.
individual mind predominates over public consciousness.
Eyes: personal volition corresponds with collective will
Mouth: private needs predominate over social requirements.
Personality of a man or woman is identified with collective will, but individual reason and wishes prevail of public mentality and corporative demands of society.

Personal mutual relations.
you realize people and-or companions agree with you.
Eyes: you see people and-or companions notice you.
Mouth: you can speak and-or companions listen to you.

Mental attitudes.
your notion determines opinions of people.
Eyes: your point of view is equivalent to sights of people.
Mouth: your words determine assertions of people.

Environmental or surrounding people are glad to communicate with you and ready to understand you.


Following 5 physiognomic symbol in gallery.
About facial emotions of painting characters and public relationships in pictures, also manifestations of a human face and mutual relations of people.