Physiognomy of symbolical emotions.
Hexagram of the canon of changes YiKing 3.

parities of iridescent spectrum colors with facial emotions and hexagrams ratio of paints with emotions for artist and painter of abstractions

If you are the artist and painter of abstractions then can draw abstract pictures according to ratio of paints with the shown physiognomic symbols, and in essence according to parities of iridescent spectrum colors with facial emotions and hexagrams of the canon of changes YiKing. Namely the saturated shades of colors can be correlated to sad emotions. Bright paints with joyful emotional expressions. Dark blue and green colors can be correlated with symbols of quiet emotions in facial features, and it is actually possible to create various chromatic colour palettes of abstract painting according to ratio of paints with physiognomic symbols and hexagrams.


Emotions of social relationships.
individual mind subordinates to public consciousness.
Eyes: personal volition corresponds with collective will
Mouth: private needs subordinate to social requirements.
Corporative mentality suppresses individual reason, and personality is identified with collective will, but social requirements prevail own wants of a man or woman.

Personal mutual relations.
you do not realize people and-or companions disagree with you.
Eyes: you see people and-or companions notice you.
Mouth: you can not speak and-or companions do not listen to you.

Mental attitudes.
your notion is caused by opinions of people.
Eyes: your point of view is equivalent to sights of people.
Mouth: your words are caused by assertions of people.

There are many people around of you, but nobody wishes to communicate with you and does not wish to understand you.


Following 4 physiognomic symbol in gallery.
About ratio of paints and physiognomy of emotional symbols, also chromatic color palettes and human public relations.