Physiognomy of symbolical emotions.
Hexagram of the canon of changes YiKing 17.

artistic images and physiognomy for actors of a street theatre or circus faces of street actors and clowns with emotions of outdoor audience

If you are comic clown or dramatic actor of street theatre or circus then according to hexagrams of the canon of changes and to the shown physiognomic symbols you can correlate emotional images and mimic movements of your face to emotions which can be seen in facial expressions of public. Because faces of street actors and clowns should be coordinated with emotions of outdoor audience.
In particular it is possible to correlate artistic images of street actors and clowns to emotions of public according to logic formulas in commenting texts of this gallery, namely according to psychological meanings of emotional expressions which are shown in faces of outdoor audience during social relationships or as a result of personal mutual relations of comedians with a society.


Emotions of social relationships.
individual mind subordinates to public consciousness.
Eyes: personal volition predominates over collective will.
Mouth: private needs subordinate to social requirements.
Public will of society depends on personal volition of a man or woman, but social requirements and consciousness dominate over individual mind and private needs.

Personal mutual relations.
you do not realize people and-or companions disagree with you.
Eyes: you wish to see people and-or companions need your presence.
Mouth: you can not speak and-or companions do not listen to you.

Mental attitudes.
your notion is caused by opinions of people.
Eyes: your point of view determines sights of people.
Mouth: your words are caused by assertions of people.

You aspire to people but companions do not want to understand you and do not wish to communicate with you.


Following 18 physiognomic symbol in gallery.
About artistic images and physiognomy for actors of a street theatre or circus, also outdoor audience and relations of comical characters.