Physiognomic sign of a face 57.
Gallery of facial lineaments and hexagrams of the canon ijing.

information for aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery

If you own cosmetic clinic or otherwise to tell the medical center of aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery then you can test cosmeticians and plastic surgeons, and also other medical staff by means of the shown physiognomic signs, and you can choose faces with necessary emotional parameters. As emotions in faces of cosmeticians and plastic surgeons personify style of cosmetic clinic, and actually emotions are aesthetic image of the hospital staff.


Oracle of human emotions.

Oracle of information.
Eyebrows: you do not know external information.
Eyes: you have unreliable information.
Mouth: you say correct information.

Oracle of situation.
Eyebrows: development of situation is uncontrollable - outside of someone's dependence.
Eyes: people involve you in situation - initiate you.
Mouth: assistance of people is adequate - satisfactory result.

Oracle of events.
Eyebrows: you do not realize events.
Eyes: you not cause motive of events.
Mouth: you perceive events positively.


Following 58 facial mark in gallery.
Emotions for medical centers of aesthetic medicine or cosmeticians and plastic surgeons.