Physiognomic sign of a face 10.
Gallery of facial lineaments and hexagrams of the canon ijing.

faces of waiters are impression of service or cooking

If you own restaurant or organize service of visitors at restaurant or cafe then emotions in faces of waiters should not be joyful or sad, as there is an impression that waiters impose own tastes to visitors if emotional expressions are joyful, and if emotions in faces of waiters are sad there is an impression of bad service or bad cooking.


Oracle of human emotions.

Oracle of information.
Eyebrows: you do not know external information.
Eyes: you have reliable information.
Mouth: you hide own information.

Oracle of situation.
Eyebrows: development of situation is uncontrollable - outside of someone's dependence.
Eyes: you involve people in situation - initiate people.
Mouth: assistance of people is unnecessary - individual decision of problems.

Oracle of events.
Eyebrows: you do not realize events.
Eyes: you cause motive of events.
Mouth: you perceive events passively.


Following 11 facial mark in gallery.
Facial signs of waiters and visitors at restaurant or cafe, or facial oracle of emotions.