
logic formulas of physiognomy

site about hexagrams I-Ching

emotional processes or facial moods
Chinese canon of changes and mimic motions
spiritual experiences of people
predictions of hexagrams I-Ching
facial expressions of personal relations
emotional illusions of facial physiognomy

Page 7.

epithets of philosophical concepts
conjectural forecasts and fortune-telling prognoses 

human face in galleries


Physiognomy and rules for visual identification of emotions.
The seventh page describes principles and rules according to which linguistic formulas in galleries form logic combinations of words and correspond with hexagrams of the canon of changes I-Ching. Namely principles of logic formulas according to which combinations of words are meanings or analytical values of physiognomic displays and emotional expressions of a human face.
And also seventh page describes rules for visual observation or face-reading and identification of human emotions which can be shown in facial features and lineaments of real people.

Information can be interesting not only for people who study rules of analytical face-reading and physiognomy of facial emotions, but also for scientists who investigate psychoanalysis and psycho-linguistics, namely interrelations of linguistics with psychology of human personality.


Logic formulas of human emotional expressions.
Combinations of words and facial emotions in physiognomy.

The canon of changes I-Ching is mathematical sign system which allows to analyze phenomena of world reality, namely allows to create linguistic logic formulas and by means of analytical combinations to deduce every possible conclusions in the event that words are compared to positions of lines in hexagrams.
If physiognomic lineaments and features of a human face are compared with hexagrams I-Ching and logic combinations of words then form complex psycho-linguistic system or analytical construction by means of which it is possible to analyze facial expressions of people. And in essence it is possible to consider interrelations of words with emotions as methodological device or symbolical language allowing to distinguish semantic meanings which are connected with hexagrams I-Ching and physiognomy of a human face, and consequently allowing to interpret emotional displays and variants of mimic motions according to semantic meanings of words.
Namely it is possible to tell that commenting texts in galleries of physiognomic images are combinatorial variations of words which are connected with hexagrams of the canon of changes I-Ching and emotional features of a human face, and consequently it allows to interpret various variants of facial emotions, and also to analyze behavior of people and events which are caused by mimic motions.
By means of physiognomic images and logic combinations of words can be solved different questions, namely it is necessary to define semantic content and to make linguistic formula which compares this or that question to facial features of emotional expressions and positions of lines in hexagrams I-Ching, and then you can interpret emotions and to analyze behavior of people.
Any question is necessary for dividing into three parts for comparing with three physiognomic or otherwise to tell emotional lineaments of a face, namely eyebrows, eyes, mouth.
Each part of a question should have four variants according to four emotional modifications of eyebrows, eyes and mouth, namely according with open, joyful, sad and quiet emotions. If parts of a question are correctly correlated with emotional lineaments of a face and modifications of facial features then physiognomic images and linguistic formulas will mean logic answers.
It is possible to make original linguistic combinations of words which are necessary for decisions of those or other questions, or you can use ready logic formulas which are available in five online galleries with names: impressions, oracle, conditions, relations, times, where there are various themes which can be significant for human personality.
Linguistic logic formulas in galleries consist of three lines. Each line corresponds with one of physiognomic lineament of a human face and two lines in hexagrams of the canon of changes I-Ching, namely corresponds with eyebrows, or eyes, or mouth.
According to three lines in logic formulas of facial physiognomy it is possible to understand values of emotions for conclusions about vital phenomena and psychological processes which can be peculiar to owners of emotional expressions.
Semantic senses of lines in logic formulas of physiognomy can be philosophical, psychological, sociological or other, and in essence can be connected with various aspects of a human life.
Every line of logic formulas are necessary for understanding in coordination with other lines. Because each line has meaning which depends on other lines, that is coordinated with logic principles of hexagrams in the canon of changes I-Ching. But in some cases such coordination of meanings can be illogical from the view point of usual logics. Namely in some cases semantic coordination of words in lines of linguistic formulas can have logical contradictions which mean that corresponding facial expressions and emotions of a human face are inconsistent.
Words in lines of logic formulas can be connected by linguistic conjunctions such as "and", "but", "or", "if", also others. As a result of linguistic conjunctions there can be generated very big number of semantic conclusions according to which you can interpret facial expressions and emotions of a human face.
In all cases logic formulas in five galleries are written without linguistic conjunctions. But also galleries have interpreting texts which are written with use of linguistic conjunctions, and which are analytical conclusions from semantic senses of logic formulas.
Interpreting texts designate only some analytical conclusions or mental meanings which can be made according to words in formulas by means of different linguistic conjunctions.
Minimum quantity of words are involved in interpreting texts and formulas in galleries, that excludes superfluous logic contradictions. And also interpreting texts and formulas in galleries have not words expressing ethical values or otherwise to tell semantic senses which are associated with moral categories of good and evil. Because such words has no basic value from the view point of emotional displays and logical system of mimic motions of a human face.
And I remind that texts translations of this website and online galleries are made by me, and consequently I am not sure in exact values and semantic meanings of words in logic formulas of physiognomy which are translated into English language.


In the end of this online page I bring to your attention some rules which are necessary for face-reading or visual identification of facial expressions at observation of emotional displays in real human faces. Because conditional graphical images or physiognomic symbols are shown in galleries, but faces of concrete personalities are necessary for identifying with that or other symbols of human physiognomies for possible analyzes of facial emotions.
Rule 1st.
Visual perception of human faces depends on emotional impressions of observers, namely is caused by emotions of a person who observes facial expressions of people. Therefore visual identification of emotions cannot be authentic as expression of own face influences perception.
Faces of people can have similar or dissimilar emotional expressions, but in any case people have doubtful mentions about another's emotions. Therefore it is necessary to correlate perceived emotions to physiognomic images in online galleries of this website and to identify emotional displays of people.
Rule 2nd.
If a person realizes that someone observes his or her face then emotional expression becomes unauthentic, and consequently true emotions can be seen when observable people do not notice facts of observation.
Also it is impossible to see own true facial expression if object of physiognomic observation is own face which is reflected in a mirror. Because visual perception is accented on the fact of physiognomic observation, but however it is possible to feel expression of own face, that is possible to catch a moment when emotions are true and to impress in consciousness authentic emotional image. Namely it is impossible to see own true face in a mirror, but you can catch physical emotional sensations by mind, then it is possible to compare sensitive or mental appearance of emotions with physiognomic image in gallery, that allows to see authentic features or lineaments of own facial expression.
Rule 3rd.
Eyes express true emotions, but eyebrows and mouth can show conscious or unconscious emotional changes.
Unconscious emotional changes can be connected with feelings which are symbolized with a mouth, or can be connected with thinking which is symbolized with eyebrows. And conscious changes of facial emotions are supervised by thinking, however can be shown not only by means of eyebrows but also by means of a mouth.
Emotions of eyebrows and mouth impose emotional effects and change expression of eyes, but however eyes allow to see true facial displays. As emotions of eyes alter inertly in comparison with emotional changes of eyebrows and mouth.
Rule 4th.
Emotional expressions of eyes without participation of eyebrows or mouth alter only in that case when spiritual experiences changes. Namely emotions of eyes are independent of consciousness and feelings, and in essence are caused by spiritual experiences. Or emotional changes of eyes can be interconnected with ideas of consciousness and feelings if facial expressions of a person have determination by external influences and circumstances.
Rule 5th.
During human mutual relations there are correlations of emotions or emotional reactions. Namely people react to your facial emotions, and also your personality reacts to emotional expressions which can be seen in faces of people. Therefore displays of facial emotions can be independent or dependent, or otherwise tell unsociable or sociable.
Unsociable facial expressions do not depend on emotional atmosphere which arises in mutual relations of people, and sociable emotions are caused by atmosphere or climate of relative moods.
Sociable emotions can be shown as mimic imitation.
Rule 6th.
To define strategy of emotional behavior by means of logic formulas at physiognomic images in five galleries of this website for this or that situation of human life, or for mutual relations with that or other persons or groups of people, it is necessary to identify facial expression of own face and emotions of surrounding associates or opponents in relation to which your psychological strategy of behaviors is directed. After that you can compare emotions with physiognomic images in galleries and to analyze logic linguistic formulas, namely you can consider analytical combinations of words that allows to predict absence of disagreements or possible discordance in mutual relations with people. And also logic formulas of physiognomy in galleries allows to plan psychological strategy and to correct emotional behavior of people.
If facial emotions of people are unknown then you can carry out conjectural prediction or mantic divination and to foretell prospective emotional displays which can be peculiar to subjects of human relations or dialogue, then it is possible to predict future psychical process and results of relationships.
For conjectural prediction or mantic divination it is possible to use fortunetelling cards with images of hexagrams of the canon of changes I-Ching and physiognomic symbols. Such fortunetelling cards or otherwise to tell predictive mantic system of face-reading for games and divinations by IChing are presented on pages of this website in other section.
According to rules of conjectural predictions or mantic face-readings it is possible to have fortunetelling cards on squares of playing board which is the magic square of hexagrams of the canon of changes I-Ching. And by that you can consider physiognomic symbols on fortunetelling magic cards as emotional images of associates or opponents in human relations.
Rule 7th.
Human emotions can be natural or unnatural, namely sincere or sham.
Emotions of eyebrows or mouth can be unnatural or sham, but emotional displays of eyes mainly are sincere. But in some cases human emotions can be simulating, namely people can represent not true facial images but fictitious characters which are shown instead of real personalities. In this case emotional expressions of eyes can be simulating.
Look more detail information on rules for visual identification or face-reading of emotions in human faces on pages of this website in section which is named as emotional types.

Following page gives information on concepts of analytical philosophy which allows to understand emotions of a human face and values of hexagrams of the canon of changes I-Ching by means not only logic but also analytical linguistic formulas in the context of physiognomy.

Also nine pages of this web-resource section contain data about facial expressions of personal relations and emotional illusions of physiognomy or face-reading, psychological processes or moods as spiritual experiences of people, epithets of philosophical concepts as conjectural forecasts and fortune-telling prognoses, mimic motions as predictions of hexagrams I-Ching in the Chinese canon of changes.
