Central page of physiognomic gallery. |
Open gallery of emotions.
Besides pages of this website represent sections where various esoteric or
exoteric themes about hexagrams of the Chinese Book of Changes IChing
and physiognomy of emotions in human faces are considered.
Game is the set of playing fortunetelling cards or tiles with images of
hexagrams IChing and physiognomic symbols, and also
special game board with numbers which are organized according to rules
of magic square. By means of fortunetelling physiognomic cards on the
magic board it is possible to carry out predictive puzzles and games, or
prophecies and divinations with Book of Changes.
Set of fortunetelling playing cards or conjectural tiles can be downloaded as graphic
pictures in the PDF file. Then it is possible to print images, also rules of prophetic
games or predictive puzzles for divinations with hexagrams IChing.
Proverbs form conjectural mantic system which
allows to correlate Chinese hexagrams of the Book of Changes IChing with
Proverbs of Solomon in the Bible. Also conjectural mantic system allows to correlate
Proverbs of Solomon and emotional images of a human face to degrees of astrological circle,
that is similar to "Sabian Symbols" which are known in astrology.
Emotional types show photos as
examples for visual identification of emotions in faces of people. Also this section of website
specifies differentiation of altered facial images and emotional types which are constant
shapes of human faces. Physiognomic scheme or chart allows to speak about mutual relations of people
according to emotional types which can be identified by means of
mathematical methods or calculations of emotions in a context of astrology.
Astrology - this section of website
publishes one scientific article which corrects old mistakes and breaks
former notions of astrologers about structure of astrological circle and
forces of planets in signs of zodiac, about geometrical configurations of
heavenly bodies and hexagonal star of Zion.
Half faces (concepts 1-2-3-4-5) are formal values of contours and
lineaments of a human face in profile.
These website sections and gallery represent methods for visual analyses
of facial shapes and lineaments in profile or side-view, and also
symbolical images of formal physiognomic types of human faces which are systematized
by means of hexagrams IChing, that is new in contemporary physiognomy.
Also these sections represent comparison of physiognomy and facial shapes
with concepts or traits of Confucianism, Taoism, Classical Chinese philosophy,
ancient Greek and Indian philosophical systems.
Also these sections describe geometrical parameters of correct polygons which
lines are coordinates for mathematical measurements of formal sizes and
proportions of human faces, namely facial shapes and lineaments in physiognomy
for exact calculations of aesthetic features and psychological attributes of
beauty, that is possible to apply in cosmetic medicine and plastic surgery.
Also these sections describe ratio of human facial shapes and lineaments in
physiognomy with planets and signs of zodiac in astrology, characteristics of
mythological gods and values of numbers in numerology.
Lineaments of half and full faces show
frontal and lateral facial perspectives in physiognomy, namely
geometrical coordinates and axes of measurements which allow to read psychological meanings
and characters in physical traits of people.
Also vertical and horizontal axes of facial symmetry according to which projections
of brain hemispheres are displayed in faces of people.
Besides ratio of facial measurements and coordinates with axes of astrological
circle and planets in horoscopes and celestial natal charts of people are shown.
Concepts and gallery of the right and left face form physiognomic
system of psychological types which are known in the context of Jungian
analytical psychology, typology of socionics and Brigs-Majers Indicator.
Psychological types are compared to physiognomy of a human face and systematized by means of
hexagrams of the Chinese Book of Changes IChing.
Concepts and gallery of analytical physiognomy
show methods of numerology and astrology for identification of psychological
parameters of human personality according to facial features and shapes in the
context of psychological system of C. G. Jung, typology of socionics and Brigs-Majers Type Indicator.
Names of mythological gods of Ancient Greece are specified as pseudonyms of
psychological types in the context of analytical physiognomy.
Transactions is the section which describes
interrelations of mental functions of brain hemispheres, also intertype attitudes and relations of people in
the context of analytical physiognomy. Namely this website section results
schemes or charts according to which you can correlate physiognomic traits and features of a
human face to mental functions of a brain, that allows to analyze mutual relationship of
people in the context of analytical physiognomy.
Circles of emotions are charts where
hexagrams of the Book of Changes IChing and physiognomic symbols of facial
lineaments are organized in circular arrangements and rings which allow to analyze
displays of emotional expressions in mutual relations of people, also intertype interrelations of
psychological types in the context of analytical physiognomy and Jungian psychology.
Chronology are various calendars and chronologic tables in which
physiognomic images of emotions of and hexagrams i-ching, and also numbers of
days and years are compared to astronomical cycles of the moon and the sun,
astrological circle and signs of zodiac, chronological periods of human life and
meteorological atmospheric processes, epochs of evolutional development of
civilization and geodetic measurements of the Earth, names of twelve apostles
and jewels of Heavenly Jerusalem, zodiacal animals of Chinese astrology and
mystical symbols of Cabbalistic Sefirot, ciphers of dominoes and cards of Tarot,
that it is possible to use in predictions or divinations with the Book of Changes.
Divine categories are description of
mystical concepts of Gnostic Christian philosophy which allow to realize physiognomic
symbols of emotions and hexagrams of the Book of Changes from the viewpoint of
philosophical meanings of human Spirit in joining with Soul and Body, and also
in view of notion about Tao Te Ching in China.
This is website section which describes divine phenomena or otherwise to tell
global world categories which are described in the Apocryphon of apostle
John, and which form structure of universe in the context of philosophical
concepts of Gnostic Christianity, and also correspond with astrological circle
of zodiac signs and planets, hexagrams IChing and physiognomic symbols of emotions,
psycho-physiological parameters of human personality and world elements.
Besides online gallery shows formal-symbolical charts of world reality
or otherwise to tell logic models according to which hexagrams of the Chinese
Book of Changes or 64 Kwa form triangles within
astrological circle of twelve zodiac signs according to which it is
possible to interpret philosophical meanings and mantic senses or
conjectural values of i-jing symbols in fortunetelling divinations.
Astro-psychophysiology is the section where
Chinese hexagrams or 64 Kwa of the Book of Changes IChing or i-jing are considered in
comparison with cosmological systems of ancient human civilizations and
astronomical epochs or eras of mankind. In particular in comparison or ratio
with the New Age of Aquarius and the birth date of Jesus Christ, and in essence with
chronological cycles of the planet Uranus and the Star of Magi.
Categories - it will be soon published.
Many questions concerning to themes of this website will be published further.
I hope that this open or online physiognomic gallery of emotions and logic system of human faces will be interesting and cognitive for researchers who are interested in physiognomy and Book of Changes IChing (i-jing) or Yi King.
Besides I offer to your attention other my web-sites.
And also look web-sites of other authors.