
Gallery of universal triangles.
Hexagram i-jing 10

anthropological principles of occult theosophy and anthroposophy

1. Perfect world.
ARIES - cardinal sign and first quarter of zodiac.
AQUARIUS - firm sign and fourth quarter of zodiac.
GEMINI - mutable sign and first quarter of zodiac.

2. Person.
CAPRICORN - cardinal mark and elements of ground.
LEO - firm mark and elements of fire.
VIRGO - mutable mark and elements of ground.

3. Imperfect world - unconscious sphere.
TAURUS - initial third of astrological circle and symbol of earth element.
LEO - middle third of zodiacal circle and symbol of fiery element.
CAPRICORN - last third of astrological circle and symbol of earth element.

4. Imperfect world - conscious sphere.
CAPRICORN - third segment of zodiacal chart and ground natural elements.
LEO - second segment of zodiacal chart and fire natural elements.
TAURUS - first segment of zodiacal chart and ground natural elements.

5. Discrete world - astral sphere.
CAPRICORN - area of slow planets - earth elemental nature.
ARIES - area of less rapid planets - fiery elemental nature.
VIRGO - area of fast heavenly bodies - earth elemental nature.

6. Discrete world - ethereal sphere.
VIRGO - slow heavenly bodies and ground elementals.
LEO - less rapid heavenly bodies and fire elementals.
TAURUS - fast planets and ground elementals.


Astrological charts of this gallery can be interesting to researchers of occult theosophy and anthroposophy, because according to triangles of four levels of universe it is possible to understand theological concepts according to which mythological gods of infernal world spheres are distorting reflections of original divine reality. And according to figures of triangle of human person it is possible to understand anthropological principles according to which people exist in the space of imperfect and discrete validity, but are images and likenesses of divine reality.

Next 11 hexagram.
Information about occult theosophy and anthroposophy or principles of hermetic philosophy.