
mystical divine Trinity

Apocryphon of apostle John

Page 1.

astrological circle and canon of changes
divine aeons of perfect pleroma
mystical knowledge of Christian philosophy
Jesus Christ and apostles
Tao Te Ching of Chinese philosophy
religious concepts of Gnostic Christianity
invisible Spirit and unique Son
godlike image of perfect man

image of divine Trinity  

Gnostic concepts of the Divine Trinity.
The first page gives description of processes of creation of the world validity and principles of divine Trinity or unity of three faces according to esoteric concepts of Gnostic Christian philosophy in the context of Apocryphon of apostle John.

Information of this online page can be interesting to seminary students and theologians, and also for researchers who are interested in esoteric sciences, because various descriptions of divine Trinity in a context of occult philosophy are erroneous, but correct understanding of principles of three God's faces and adequate comprehension of basic idea of Christian religion is possible only in the context of original concepts of Gnostic Christianity.


Creation processes of world validity.
Image of divine Trinity.

Physical and metaphysical phenomena of world validity can be considered as divine categories in which human essence is similar to the God and has existential being according to universal laws of universe.
In particular as divine categories it is possible to consider metaphysical phenomena which are described in the Gnostic Apocryphon of apostle John who has given description of processes as a result of which the world validity has been created, and also description of divine Trinity of the omnipotent Almighty God and his Holy Spirit, and the unique Son who in aggregate is the general source of world creation.
The book of Genesis in the Bible is told that has been created within six days of creation, and the Apocryphon of apostle John speaks about processes as a result of which universe and living beings have been created. And also Apocryphon of John gives information on physical and metaphysical phenomena which form structure of the created world or otherwise to tell existential substance of universe.
Apocryphon of John is not canonical book as contains philosophical concepts and notions which are not accepted in traditional Christian divinity or orthodox theology, but nevertheless this apocryphal Holy Scripture explains processes of creation and essence of divine Trinity.
Look different texts and translations of apocryphal book of apostle John in other sources of information on pages of other websites.
I quote from this book only some words which are necessary for understanding of esoteric essence of divine Trinity and perfect image according to which living being of a man is created. Namely below summary of the Apocryphon of John differs from the original text, but it shows basic concepts and key notions which allow to realize esoteric processes of creation and principles of divine unity of three faces in the context of Gnostic Christian philosophy.

The iniquity is a monarchy with nothing above it. It is He who exists as God and Father of everything. He looks himself in light environmental him, and consequently he is the invisible Spirit.
His ennoia performed a deed and had appeared with him in the shine of his light. She is the image of the invisible Spirit and is the Pronoia (matrix) of everything. She is the forethought (initial idea) in which the image of the invisible Spirit has opened.
She requested from the invisible Spirit to give her foreknowledge, indestructibility, eternal life and truth. The invisible Spirit consented and they have opened together with her.
This is the pentad of aeons which have opened in the light of Pronoia which surrounds the invisible Spirit. Namely the pentad consists of forethought, and foreknowledge, and indestructibility, and eternal life, and truth, which have opened in the light of the invisible Spirit, also have formed the Pronoia which is image of the Almighty God.

Pay attention that five aeons of divine Pronoia of the invisible Spirit are similar to five elements or substances of Chinese philosophy and also primary potentialities of Greek mythology, and also primordial deities in cosmological myths of ancient Egypt. This similarity is Hermetical or otherwise to tell incommensurable at different levels of existence, and consequently it is impossible to compare elements or primary potentialities with aeons or otherwise to tell with divine categories of invisible Spirit. But it is possible to draw analogies between above and below existential phenomena, and thus to correlate different levels of existence and spheres of world reality with processes of human life.
Look information about five elemental substances of Chinese philosophy and primary potentialities of Greek mythology, and also about primordial deities of cosmological myths of ancient Egypt on pages of this website in section which has the name: chronology.

The invisible Spirit looked at the image of Pronoia, and the lighting Spark was born from light which surrounds him. The image of Pronoia was embodied in this spark, and it was unique birth of the Son. The lighting Spark was not identical to light of the invisible Spirit, but the spark was pure Light which the first had opened and began to exist.
The invisible Spirit anointed the lighting Spark with his goodness, and the pure Light became perfect as well as aeons of Pronoia of the invisible Spirit.
The lighting Spark glorified the invisible Spirit and his image of Pronoia for whose sake he had come to exist, and all these came into being in silence.

Origin of lighting Spark from the light of Pronoia of invisible Spirit is the image of divine Trinity. So Gnostic Apocryphon of apostle John describes or explains divine unity of three God's faces.
Excuse if my statement of the Apocryphon of John is inexact and inconsistent, but I state to pay attention to the basic esoteric concepts of divine Trinity and philosophy of Creationism.

The lighting Spark of the pure Light had asked to give him the mind to create. The invisible Spirit consented and the mind has arisen for creation. Together with mind there was the will (ennoia) and the word (logos), and creation was executed. And the will of lighting Spark in creation was executed in the consent with will of the invisible Spirit. And the word of lighting Spark was executed in the consent with word of the invisible Spirit.
The lighting Spark of the pure Light carried out creation in the consent with will of the invisible Spirit but he executed own will (ennoia) and word (logos).
The invisible Spirit had seen that creation is perfect as this perfection is awarded with his glory and from him proceeds. Then the invisible Spirit had entitled eternal creation and the right of authority above all creatures to the lighting Spark who is the unique Son of invisible Spirit and third face of divine Trinity.

Pay attention that creation is created of Pronoia of invisible Spirit, and creative processes need presence of mind and will and word to which in features of a human face there correspond eyebrows, eyes and mouth.
Mind (idea) or consciousness - eyebrows.
Will (ennoia) or individuality - eyes.
Word (logos) or feelings - mouth.
Hence three sources of creation or mind, will and word, and also five aeons of divine Pronoia or the forethought, foreknowledge, indestructibility, eternal life and truth are the prototype of everything that is established in the world by the Almighty God and his Holy Spirit through the Son who is the Christ. Including five aeons of divine Pronoia in aggregate with three sources of creation are the prototype of perfect man or human being.
Human consciousness is commensurable with the first idea in which initial image of Pronoia of the Almighty God has opened, that corresponds to Holy Spirit of divine Trinity.
Therefore human consciousness can ask the forethought, foreknowledge, indestructibility, eternal life and truth from Almighty God, as well as divine Pronoia.
Individual human will is commensurable with ennoia of the unique Son or the Christ, and also with Pronoia of the Almighty God of divine Trinity.
Therefore human individuality can possess the forethought, foreknowledge, indestructibility, eternal life and truth, as well as divine Pronoia.
Human feelings or desires are commensurable to the word or logos of unique Son according to which the life is created, that corresponds to the Christ in structure of divine Trinity.
Therefore human desires and words similarly to divine logos are capable to be executed, if are carried out in the consent with will and word of the Almighty God.
Look information about divine logos and creation of life on pages of other website www.wordgame.64g.ru in section which has the name: signs on gods.
It is necessary to tell that in the Apocryphon of apostle John there are words or terms which have doubtful translation from the Greek language, and also possess semantic values which not always adequately correspond with divine phenomena of world reality. In particular the word ENNOIA has semantic value of CONSCIOUSNESS or IDEA, but actually this word is necessary to correlate with human individuality from the view point of esoteric concepts of Gnostic Christian philosophy. And also the word WILL is necessary for correlating to human individuality at translation from the Greek language.

The invisible Spirit had entitled eternal creation and the right of authority above all creatures to the lighting Spark, and then four lights were created and have appeared. They were created from the image of Pronoia by means of the will of invisible Spirit and by means of the true word which the lighting Spark has.

First aeon of light is Armozel - divine force of grace or mercy.
Second aeon of light is Oriel - divine force of perception or sympathy.
Third aeon of light is Daveithai - divine force of wisdom or mutual understanding.
Fourth aeon of light is Eleleth - divine force of prudence or judiciousness.
In total four aeons of godlike light with three sources of creation, and also five aeons of divine Pronoia of invisible Spirit can be correlated to three sides of the Pythagorean or sacred Egyptian triangle, as shown in the chart.

aeons of Pronoia at three sides of Pythagorean or sacred Egyptian triangle The Pythagorean or sacred Egyptian triangle is geometrical figure in which three sides form a correct mathematical proportion, namely the sizes of sides are proportional and correspond to numbers 3x4x5.
Hypotenuse of triangle consists of 5 parts and corresponds to five aeons of divine Pronoia of invisible Spirit.
Small cathetus of triangle consists of 3 parts and corresponds to three sources of creation.
Big cathetus of triangle consists of 4 parts and corresponds to divine forces of four aeons of godlike light which has arisen from the image of Pronoia as derivative of three sources of creation.
Sacred Egyptian triangle is the key geometrical figure in theorem of Pythagoras, and also can be considered as universal scheme or mathematical model of world space in the context of Pythagorean numerology. Namely sacred Egyptian triangle can be considered as basic geometrical figure according to which multivariate configurations of heavenly spheres in space of universe are organized.
Look additional information about the sacred Egyptian triangle on pages of this website in section where physiognomy of a human face in profile is described.


Five aeons of divine Pronoia and five parts of hypotenuse of the sacred Egyptian triangle can be compared with primary potentialities of the Greek mythology and moral qualities of Confucian philosophy of ancient China.
CHAOS - void existence of matter.
CHZI - insight and prudence.
EROS - creation of valid matter.
YI - keenness and respect.
GAIA - valid matter.
SYIN - sincerity and naturalness.
Eternal life.
TARTARUS - destruction of matter.
LI - humility and obedience.
URANUS - transformation of matter.
ZHEN - restraint and magnanimity.
Look more detailed information about primary potentialities of the Greek mythology or moral qualities of Chinese Confucian philosophy on pages of this website in section about physiognomy of a human face in profile.
Divine forces of four aeons of godlike light can be correlated with emotions of a human face.
Judiciousness arises if facial features have quiet emotional expressions.
Sympathy is shown if features of a face have sad emotional expressions.
Mercy is shown if facial traits of features express joyful emotions.
Mutual understanding arises if open emotions are shown in physiognomic features.
So godlike image of the perfect man is reflected in emotions of human faces.
The listed parities of human emotions with aeons of godlike light can be seen in the calendar table where physiognomic symbols of facial emotional expressions are compared with 64 hexagrams of the Chinese canon of changes I Ching and 70 days or years of Christian liturgical calendars, and also with periods of time in bible chronological cycles.

Following page shows and describes astrological models of world reality and processes as a result of which four aeons of godlike light in aggregate with three sources of creation of divine Trinity have formed twelve aeons of the perfect pleroma.

Also following pages in this part of website give information about Jesus Christ and apostles, invisible Spirit and unique Son as godlike image of perfect man, astrological circle and canon of changes, divine aeons of perfect pleroma and esoteric meanings of Tao Te Ching in Chinese philosophy, mystical knowledge and religious concepts of Gnostic Christianity.
