
psychoanalysis and facial physiognomy

brain functions

types of human faces
psychological traits of physiognomy
ratios of psychological features
formal measurements of eyebrows
combinations of psychological features
drawings of facial perspectives
psychoanalysis and facial symmetry

Page 8.

traits of personality in full-face

ratios of a face in physiognomy


Analytical brain physiognomy and psychoanalysis.
The eighth page describes axes of symmetry and geometrical positions of eyebrows and mouth according to which in features of a human face in a context of analytical physiognomy it is possible to identify mental or psychic functions of brain hemispheres.

The information on ratio of brain functions with geometrical axes of facial symmetry can be interesting to medical psychologists and psychoanalysts, as in view of physiognomy it is possible to see psychological features and types of people, that can be essential in psychoanalysis, and also for psychoanalytic experts of consulting treatment and correction of mental problems of human personality.


Geometrical ratios of a face in physiognomy.
Eyebrows and mouth as attributes of brain functions.

The psychological design of human personality according to concepts of Jungian analytical psychology or socionics and Brigs-Majers type indicator has rational and irrational parameters, and also attributes of introversion and extraversion which are connected with hemispheres of a brain, and which in a context of physiognomy correspond to geometrical ratios of top and bottom halves of a face, or to geometrical positions of eyes and ratio of right with left facial halves.
Also design of human personality according to concepts of Jungian analytical psychology and socionics or Brigs-Majers type indicator has four mental or otherwise to tell psychic functions which too correspond with hemispheres of a brain, and in a context of analytical physiognomy correspond to geometrical parameters of eyebrows and mouth, that is shown on the chart.

analytical physiognomy of geometrical parameters of eyebrows and mouth First physiognomic drawing - eyebrows near to eyes as attribute of logic function - mouth near to chin as attribute of sensory function.
Second drawing of a face - eyebrows near to eyes as attribute of logic function - mouth far from chin as attribute of intuitive function.
Third facial drawing - eyebrows far from eyes as attribute of logic function - mouth far from chin as attribute of sensory function.
Fourth drawing of facial features - eyebrows far from eyes as attribute of logic function - mouth near to chin as attribute of intuitive function.

In the center symbolical drawing of a face has average physiognomic parameters of eyebrows and mouth, namely the mouth is located on equal removal from nose and chin that means equal balance of intuition and sensory, and also eyebrows have average removal from eyes that means balance of ethics and logics.
The shown physiognomic parameters can be considered as additional attributes of four mental brain functions for identification of 64 types of a human face that is described on pages of this website in sections with names: the right and left face or analytical physiognomy.
Intuition and logics in a context of analytical physiognomy correspond with the left hemisphere of a brain which are projected on the right half of a face, namely intuition is significant if right corner of a mouth is located far from a chin rather than left corner. Or intuition matters if both corners of a mouth are located far from a nose. And logics is significant if right eyebrow is far from eyes rather than left eyebrow, or if both eyebrows have location near to eyes.
Ethics and sensory correspond with the right a brain hemisphere and have projection on the left facial half, namely sensory is significant if the left mouth corner is located near to nose rather than the right corner, or both corners of a mouth have location near to nose. And ethics is significant if left eyebrow is far from eyes rather than right eyebrow, or if both eyebrows are located far from eyes.
The general set of various geometrical combinations of eyebrows and mouth in faces of people in a context of analytical physiognomy are shown in the table.

geometrical combinations of eyebrows and mouth in faces of people Symbolical drawings of human faces in the table have following physiognomic parameters.
First top horizontal row of faces - eyebrows near to eyes - attribute of logic function.
Second top horizontal row of drawings - eyebrows far from eyes - attribute of ethical function.
Third bottom horizontal row of facial shapes - left eyebrow above right - ethical function.
Fourth bottom horizontal row of facial drawings - right eyebrow above left - logic function.


First vertical row of physiognomic drawings at the left - right corner of a mouth above left - mouth is near to nose - intuition with attributes of sensory.
Second vertical row of symbolical faces - left corner of a mouth above right - mouth is near to nose - double attributes of sensory.
Third vertical row of symbolical drawings - corners of a mouth have equal height - mouth more near to nose - sensory.
If corners of a mouth are lowered and correspond with expression of sad emotions then sensory in this case is combined with attributes of intuition, and if corners of a mouth are raised and correspond with expression of joyful emotions then attributes of intuition are absent.
Fourth vertical row of facial traits - corners of a mouth have equal height - mouth more near to chin - intuition.
If corners of a mouth are raised and correspond with joyful emotional expressions then intuition is combined with sensory, and if mouth corners are lowered and correspond with sad emotional expressions then intuition has no attributes of sensory.
Fifth vertical row of facial lineaments - left mouth corner above right - mouth is near to chin - sensory with attributes of intuition.
Sixth vertical row of physiognomic parameters - right mouth corner above left - mouth is near to chin - double attributes of intuition.
In total according to drawings of faces in the shown table it is possible to identify mental functions of a brain and psychological types of people in a context of analytical physiognomy, namely the shown geometrical positions of eyebrows and mouth concerning axes of facial symmetry can be considered as additional parameters of 64 psychological types which are shown on pages of this website in gallery, and also which are described in sections with names: the right and left face or analytical physiognomy. Or in section with the name transactions where charts of psychological interrelations according to different types of personalities with various geometrical ratios of facial parameters are resulted.
And also the shown facial drawings and physiognomic methods of practical research of a human personality can be interesting to psychoanalysts and psychologists in view of psychoanalysis for understanding of mental designs of a brain, that can be essential for psychoanalytic help to people.

Following page compares axes of symmetry and geometrical shapes of a human face to geometry of astrological circle.

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