cycle of twelve animals

Chinese calendar and Book of Changes


Cyclic Chinese calendar.
Zodiacal animals and hexagrams i-ching.

This page shows chronologic table of traditional cyclic Chinese calendar which specifies dates of current 60-years cycle which has duration from 1984 till 2043 of new era. And also calendar dates of previous 60-years chronologic cycle from 1924 till 1983 are specified in brackets.
Years in chronologic table correspond with hexagrams of the Chinese Book of Changes i-ching and physiognomic symbols or images of emotional expressions of human face.
Serial numbers of hexagrams correspond with consecutive order in the classical Book of Changes i-ching. Namely serial numbers form sequence which has been created by King Wen who was legendary emperor of ancient China.
Also years in the table correspond with names of twelve zodiacal animals which in the Chinese cyclic calendar form five chronological periods of time.
Names of twelve animals within traditional Chinese calendar correspond to zodiacal signs of classical astrology.
Also years in the table correspond with Ten Heavenly Stems which within cyclic Chinese calendar form six chronological periods of time.
Ten Heavenly Stems correspond with planets of solar system and Cabbalistic symbols of mystical Sefirot in the context of esoteric Jewish philosophy and astrology.
Also years in the table correspond with five substances or natural elements of classical Chinese philosophy.
Five substances correspond to five colors of rainbow, also with dual qualities Yang and Yin according to which each substance within traditional Chinese calendar is significant during two years.
For example, 1984 and 1985 correspond with one substance of tree and blue color, but two calendar years possess different qualities of Yang and Yin.
Besides five substances correspond to five primary potentialities of universe in the context of Greek mythology.
Look detail information about the shown chronologic table within this website on pages which describes mathematical principles and esoteric concepts according to which 60 years of traditional Chinese cyclic calendar correspond with hexagrams of the Chinese Book of Changes i-ching and physiognomic symbols of emotional expressions of human face, also with five substances and primary potentialities of universe, with Heavenly Stems and dual qualities of Yang and Yin, with Cabbalistic symbols of ten mystical Sefirot and astrological planets, with twelve zodiacal animals and signs of zodiac.

traditional Chinese calendar


blue tree
47 1 keter - Pluto
(1924) 1984 rat - Aries
51 2 chokhmah - Neptune
(1925) 1985 bull - Taurus
red fire
54 3 binah - Uranus
(1926) 1986 tiger - Gemini
08 4 gedulah - Saturn
(1927) 1987 rabbit - Crab
yellow ground
61 5 gevurah - Jupiter
(1928) 1988 dragon - Leo
03 6 tiferet - Mars
(1929) 1989 snake - Virgo
white metal
37 7 netzach - Venus
(1930) 1990 horse - Libra
52 8 hod - Mercury
(1931) 1991 goat - Scorpio
black water
26 9 yesod - Moon
(1932) 1992 monkey - Sagittarius
33 10 malchut - Sun
(1933) 1993 hen - Capricorn
blue tree
56 1 keter - Pluto
(1934) 1994 dog - Aquarius
13 2 chokhmah - Neptune
(1935) 1995 pig - Pisces
red fire
25 3 binah - Uranus
(1936) 1996 rat - Aries
35 4 gedulah - Saturn
(1937) 1997 bull - Taurus
yellow ground
16 5 gevurah - Jupiter
(1938) 1998 tiger - Gemini
04 6 tiferet - Mars
(1939) 1999 rabbit - Crab
white metal
24 7 netzach - Venus
(1940) 2000 dragon - Leo
29 8 hod - Mercury
(1941) 2001 snake - Virgo
black water
48 9 yesod - Moon
(1942) 2002 horse - Libra
36 10 malchut - Sun
(1943) 2003 goat - Scorpio
blue tree
39 1 keter - Pluto
(1944) 2004 monkey - Sagittarius
34 2 chokhmah - Neptune
(1945) 2005 hen - Capricorn
red fire
55 3 binah - Uranus
(1946) 2006 dog - Aquarius
28 4 gedulah - Saturn
(1947) 2007 pig - Pisces
yellow ground
10 5 gevurah - Jupiter
(1948) 2008 rat - Aries
17 6 tiferet - Mars
(1949) 2009 bull - Taurus
white metal
12 7 netzach - Venus
(1950) 2010 tiger - Gemini
41 8 hod - Mercury
(1951) 2011 rabbit - Crab
black water
23 9 yesod - Moon
(1952) 2012 dragon - Leo
42 10 malchut - Sun
(1953) 2013 snake - Virgo
blue tree
22 1 keter - Pluto
(1954) 2014 horse - Libra
57 2 chokhmah - Neptune
(1955) 2015 goat - Scorpio
red fire
53 3 binah - Uranus
(1956) 2016 monkey - Sagittarius
14 4 gedulah - Saturn
(1957) 2017 hen - Capricorn
yellow ground
62 5 gevurah - Jupiter
(1958) 2018 dog - Aquarius
50 6 tiferet - Mars
(1959) 2019 pig - Pisces
white metal
40 7 netzach - Venus
(1960) 2020 rat - Aries
58 8 hod - Mercury
(1961) 2021 bull - Taurus
black water
45 9 yesod - Moon
(1962) 2022 tiger - Gemini
19 10 malchut - Sun
(1963) 2023 rabbit - Crab
blue tree
60 1 keter - Pluto
(1964) 2024 dragon - Leo
07 2 chokhmah - Neptune
(1965) 2025 snake - Virgo
red fire
46 3 binah - Uranus
(1966) 2026 horse - Libra
05 4 gedulah - Saturn
(1967) 2027 goat - Scorpio
yellow ground
09 5 gevurah - Jupiter
(1968) 2028 monkey - Sagittarius
49 6 tiferet - Mars
(1969) 2029 hen - Capricorn
white metal
44 7 netzach - Venus
(1970) 2030 dog - Aquarius
30 8 hod - Mercury
(1971) 2031 pig - Pisces
black water
21 9 yesod - Moon
(1972) 2032 rat - Aries
06 10 malchut - Sun
(1973) 2033 bull - Taurus
blue tree
38 1 keter - Pluto
(1974) 2034 tiger - Gemini
20 2 chokhmah - Neptune
(1975) 2035 rabbit - Crab
red fire
59 3 binah - Uranus
(1976) 2036 dragon - Leo
27 4 gedulah - Saturn
(1977) 2037 snake - Virgo
yellow ground
15 5 gevurah - Jupiter
(1978) 2038 horse - Libra
18 6 tiferet - Mars
(1979) 2039 goat - Scorpio
white metal
11 7 netzach - Venus
(1980) 2040 monkey - Sagittarius
31 8 hod - Mercury
(1981) 2041 hen - Capricorn
black water
43 9 yesod - Moon
(1982) 2042 dog - Aquarius
32 10 malchut - Sun
(1983) 2043 pig - Pisces


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