We cannot see own faces but can see appearance in photos or can see
reflection in a mirror, and in essence we know about own shape by means of the
displayed images. Faces of other people we perceive directly, namely we have
direct notion about facial features of people without displays, but in any case
we have subjective notion about own appearance or shapes of people as the human
perception is subjective.
Own face can seem beautiful or ugly, and also faces of people can seem
attractive or unattractive, but in any case opinions of people on facial beauty
is subjective, as objective beauty of human faces is connected with shapes of
correct geometrical figures which are deformed as a result of subjective perception.
If features of a face coincide with geometrical proportions of correct polygons
then facial shapes are objectively beautiful, and if there is a disproportion
then faces do not possess objective beauty. But we can perceive ugly faces as
beautiful if own facial proportions have similar disproportions. Or vice versa
beautiful faces can seem ugly if geometrical ratios of facial shapes in
appearances of people are different.
It is possible to tell that objective facial beauty is not caused by opinions of
people, but human faces can seem attractive or unattractive from view points of
people. Therefore measurements of geometrical proportions are necessary for
identification of objective beauty and correcting of subjective human opinions
in a context of physiognomy, that relieves of subjective impressions and allows
to perceive own appearance or facial shapes of other people objectively.
Look the information on measurements of
facial proportions in
comparisons with shapes of correct geometrical figures in the other
section of this website: half faces (concepts 3).
If to consider the philosophical formula "consciousness determines life" it is
possible to tell that measurements of geometrical forms and comprehension of
objective reasons of seeming attractive or unattractive facial shapes allow to
change notion about own appearance or formal physiognomic features of other people.
For example, facial features of any person seems ugly because of other ratios of
geometrical proportions, rather than facial proportion of own face, but if by
means of geometrical measurements you realize that this another's face is
harmonious then your attitude to physiognomic shapes changes. Or if own face
seems ugly then by means of geometrical measurements it is possible to see
existing disharmonies and harmonies of facial proportions, and also possible to
compare formal ratios of own face to shapes of people, that allows to correct
human mutual relationships.
Usually faces of people become similar during long mutual relations, namely
there is not realized correcting of facial shapes, but by means of exact
geometrical measurements in a context of physiognomy it is possible to carry out
the realized and purposeful correcting. For example, if you realize that any
face seems unattractive, as the size of nose-tip is disharmonious in ratio to
other facial features, then it is possible to consider psychological
characteristics of problem physiognomic traits and as a result your
consciousness will transform geometrical forms if to consider the philosophical
formula according to which "consciousness determines life". Or someone another
can correct facial shapes by means of approval or disapproval of psychological
characteristics of problem features. Namely own consciousness can carry out
transformations of facial appearance, or consciousness of other person can
stimulate transformations.
During a choice of strategy for transformations of human appearance it is
necessary to consider that people possess different psychological propensities
according to which transformations of facial shapes are possible. These
propensities correspond with physiognomy of human faces the same as any other
psychological features, that is shown on the chart.
Top of forehead in facial features - imaginary
or idealistic human image. Middle of forehead in view of a face - fictitious image which is fabricated by a person. Eyebrows in facial shapes - recognizable personal image. Top of nose bridge in view of physiognomy - comparable image according to which people correspond to exemplary samples. Middle of nose bridge in facial traits - original or true image. Nose tip in human faces - declarative or statement image of personality. Upper lip in features of faces - simulative or resembling image according to which a person imitates people. Lower lip in facial shapes of physiognomy - natural image according to which people accept parameters of own appearance as veritable qualities of personal nature. Chin in facial lineaments - formally felt physical image. |
People create representations about own facial shapes and can change faces
according to the listed psychological parameters of lineaments in a context of physiognomy.
If the shape of chin has meaning then man perceives own subjective facial
beauty as concrete physical forms which can be changed by physical methods,
namely by physical trainings or exercises.
If the shape of lower lip has meaning then man approve actual forms which
are caused by personal parameters of a face, but man supposes changes following
natural physiological processes, namely following a correct nutrition and a
healthy way of life. Namely if there is a dissatisfaction with own subjective
facial beauty then physical trainings or exercises are inexpedient, but facial
changes can occur as a result of natural physiological processes.
If the shape of upper lip has meaning then changes of facial features are
possible as a result of imitation to a face of other person. Namely if man
wishes to look as someone another.
If the shape of nose-tip has meaning then man declares own appearance and
is assured that declaration of subjective facial beauty is realized actually.
Pay attention that the nose tip, and also the middle and top of nose bridge
concern to physiognomic sphere of individuality, and consequently changes of
facial shapes in this sphere are initiated self-dependently by the man, that
differs from physiognomic sphere of feelings (lips and chin) where changes of
facial shapes as a result of physical exercises or physiological processes can
be initiated not only self-dependently but also by someone another. And also it
differs from sphere of consciousness (eyebrows and forehead) where changes of
subjective facial beauty can be initiated by own thinking or by ideas of other people.
If the shape of nose bridge middle has meaning then man aspires to
authenticity of own subjective facial beauty, and consequently changes are
possible if the face gets individual reliability, namely if appearance
associates with a true condition of soul.
If the shape of nose bridge top has meaning then man compares subjective
facial beauty with due types or otherwise to tell exemplary human samples, and
consequently changes of a face are possible if man is identified with facial samples.
If the shape of eyebrows have meaning then man is capable to realize
attributes of beauty in faces of people
according to which own face seems beautiful or ugly, and such man is capable to correct appearance
by means of physiognomic analysis of lineaments.
Measurements of geometrical proportions of a human face and comparison with
forms of correct polygons can be applied if eyebrows are expressed, namely if
man possesses features of analytical consciousness which allows to analyze
results of geometrical measurements, and in other cases any measurements of
facial shapes in a context of physiognomy allow to commensurate corrections of
human faces with necessary results only indirectly.
If the shape of forehead middle has meaning then man is capable to
fabricate or otherwise tell to design mental images and as a result such images
can be embodied in facial shapes. For example, there can be fictitious image of
a woman-cat or any humanoid character from other planets, and changes of
subjective facial beauty according to fictitious images can be possible as a result.
If the shape of forehead top has meaning then in a face there can be
shown an image which corresponds to ideals of imagination, namely man does not
design images, but subjective facial beauty can resemble an ideal which is
accessible to imagination. Hence, corrections of facial appearance are possible
if mind changes notions about ideal.
Pay attention that ideals of imagination differ from exemplary samples,
namely if the top of nose bridge has meaning then man chooses samples and
compares own subjective facial beauty to them, and if the top of forehead has
meaning then man does not choose ideals but mind embodies ideas which are top of
During analyses of human faces it is necessary to consider all physiognomic
lineaments and to consider complex psychological propensities according to which
corrections of subjective beauty and changes of human facial shapes can be carried out.
In following section half faces (concepts 6) of this website I shall try to publish other information on physiognomy of human faces in profile. And including the information on ratio of facial features with symbols of numerology and astrology, and also others esoteric systems which are formal-symbolical models of human personality, and which are comparable to physiognomy of a face.