The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri is the systematized statement of
philosophical sights and a picture of the world in view of mystical notations
which were known in medieval Christian philosophy and philosophical systems of
antique time. And also Divine Comedy is a description of stages of personal
development and formation of human soul, namely the description of stages in
psycho-physiological evolution which is carried out during knowledge cognition
of laws of a life existence. Therefore it is possible to consider structures of
the world in Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri as psycho-physiological structures
of the human personality, and it is possible to correlate levels of the world to
features of a human face in a context of physiognomy, as facial traits of a man
are image of personality and display of the universe.
In particular structures of the world in Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri can be
compared to facial traits in a context of the nine-level physiognomic system,
within which features of a face correspond with nine numbers in numerology.
The universe consists of the terrestrial physical world and metaphysical worlds
of the hell, purgatory and paradise, and also the universe consists of divine
space which is outside of physical and metaphysical worlds according to verses
of Divine Comedy.
The terrestrial physical world and the metaphysical infernal world are negative,
namely human souls possess negative qualities at these levels. Therefore
descriptions of the terrestrial world and the hell in Divine Comedy are
comparable to negative characteristics of a human personality in view of
physiognomy, that is shown on the chart.
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The conditional contour of a human face on the chart is
divided into nine levels which correspond to nine numbers in numerology
and phenomena of the terrestrial world which are described in the Divine Comedy. Terrestrial phenomena of the world correspond with numbers in numerology as actually numerological data on structures of the universe are ciphered in verses of Divine Comedy. |
Bottom physiognomic sphere of feelings - lips and
Facial features of this sphere and corresponding numbers in numerology
correspond with the "gloomy wood" of terrestrial human feelings where Dante has lost the way.
Middle physiognomic sphere of individuality - nose.
To facial features of this sphere there correspond three animals or beasts which Dante has met
when tried to leave the gloomy wood.
Nose tip and number 4 - panther.
The panther is a symbol of complacency.
Middle of nose bridge and number 5 - lion.
The lion is a symbol of violence in relation to people and charm by own force.
Top of nose bridge and number 6 - she-wolf.
The she-wolf is a symbol of self-interest (greed) and avidity (cupidity).
Pay attention that she-wolf is the symbol of Rome and Roman empire, and
consequently is the most awful animal in view of Dante.
Top physiognomic sphere of consciousness - eyebrows and forehead.
Eyebrows and number 7 - Virgil.
Three animals of individuality have not allowed to leave the gloomy wood of
feelings and to rise on mountain where the sun shines, butDante has met Virgil who is a symbol of
terrestrial reason that corresponds with eyebrows and analytical consciousness
in physiognomy. Virgil became conductor of Dante, namely
the terrestrial reason is a guide by means of which people realize the
physical world and are capable to comprehend metaphysical worlds.
In essence the reason is transition between physical and metaphysical worlds,
as Dante has crossed a threshold of the hell after a meeting with Virgil. It is
possible to tell that the gloomy wood of terrestrial feelings and three animals
of individuality possess direct physical reality, and the sphere of
consciousness are shown in the physical world but do not possess a concrete reality.
The terrestrial reason has scanty possibilities in the supreme
metaphysical spheres, that is told on following pages.
Middle of forehead and number 8 - threshold of the hell and darkness without stars.
The threshold of the hell is on border of eyebrows and middle of forehead. Namely Dante and Virgil have crossed a
threshold of terrestrial space and they appeared in the darkness without stars, where
have heard many-voiced groan of intermediate souls which do not get in the hell
and do not come back to the ground, that corresponds with the middle of forehead
and integrating consciousness, as neutral attitudes to good and evil can be
negative quality of this mental level, that is a motive of
intermediate conditions of human souls.
Top of forehead and number 9 - Limbo.
The border between middle and top of forehead corresponds with the
river Acheron behind which is Limbo or the first circle of the hell. Dante has
lost consciousness for one instant at a ferry through Acheron, as there was a transition to other
mental level in sphere of consciousness.
Limbo contains heroes and thinkers who aspired to education but have not
comprehended light of the Spirit of True. It is possible to tell that Limbo is
the noosphere or information field where ideas of mankind concentrate, that corresponds with
the top of forehead and synthesizing consciousness which is capable to unite ideas
of many people. But provided that Limbo is not a source of divine true as it is
top of the conceivable terrestrial world or the maximal realized limit which in
essence is the first circle of the hell.
Outside Limbo there is no physical reality but essence of existence are psychic
conditions of human souls.
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The conditional contour of a human face and nine
physiognomic facial traits on the chart correspond with circles of the
hell and numbers in numerology. The hell and the terrestrial world have different spatial arrangements in a context of the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri but human personality is connection of all spatial worlds, and consequently all worlds of the universe are displayed in one human face in view of physiognomy. |
In the second circle of the hell (chin and number 1) existence is determined by
In the third circle of the hell (lower lip and number 2) existence is determined by
In the fourth circle of the hell (upper lip and number 3) existence is determined by
avarice and wastefulness.
In the fifth circle of the hell (nose-tip and number 4) existence is determined by
anger and despondency.
Psychic conditions of human souls are
caused by absence of control and infringement of natural vital needs in
diabolical circles from 1 up to 5. Between 5
and 6 diabolical circles there is the wall of Dis (Hades) which separates
posterior circles where psychic conditions of human souls are caused by denying
of the God and also by neglect to other alive essences, namely caused by
infringement of normal coexistence of people. The reason
of infernal existence is harm to own soul up to border of Dis, and harm to souls of other people
abroad of Dis.
In the sixth circle of the hell (middle of nose bridge and number 5) existence is
determined by disbelief in immortality, and also by statements of equality of
a man and the God, or by denying of the God.
In the seventh circle of the hell (top of nose bridge and number 6) existence is
determined by violence and cruelty in relation to people, or by ruthlessness to
itself or callousness in relation to the God, namely negative characteristics
are caused by contempt for human virtue or contempt (abuse) in relation to the God.
The sixth and seventh diabolical circles of the hell and also the fifth
diabolical circle correspond with physiognomic sphere of individuality, and consequently
negative characteristics are caused by incorrect demonstration of individual
human essence. Namely despondency or anger are distortion of individuality in the
fifth circle of the hell. Exaggeration of a human role (importance) in
comparison with the God is wrong understanding of individual essence in the
sixth diabolical circle. Contempt for virtue of the man or contempt for the God
are derivative envy which destroys individual essence in the seventh diabolical circle.
In the eighth circle of the hell (eyebrows and number 7) existence is determined by
deliberate committing of evil.
The eighth diabolical circle consists of ten internal Malebolge or Evil Pockets
which in part repeat the basic circles of the hell, but difference consists in
comprehension of evil deeds. Namely infringements of existential laws is
deliberate and purposeful on committing of evil deeds in the eighth diabolical
circle, that differs from other circles
where infringements of laws are caused by ignorance or false persuasions.
Between the seventh and eighth diabolical circles there is an abrupt
breakage where the stream Phlegethon falls in a chasm of the hell, that coincides
with border of physiognomic spheres of individuality and consciousness.
Between the eighth and ninth diabolical circles there are Giants, namely the ninth
circle is Tartarus if to consider the hell in a context of the ancient Greek
mythology, Because Giants or Ttitans are thrown in Tartarus. Total the hell consists of
five parts. The first part is the darkness without stars of intermediate souls.
The second part is Limbo. The third part reaches from Limbo up to border of Dis
(Hades). The fourth part is in limits of Hades. The fifth part is Tartarus which
is in the ninth diabolical circle. Parts of the hell have different names in a context of
Christian mythology and in a context of other mythological systems of the world.
In the ninth circle of the hell (middle of forehead and number 8) interrelations of
a man with the God collapses and there is a spiritual destruction which occurs
as a result of a deceit or treachery, namely occurs as a result of a deceived
trust. Because human spirit exists in trust of a man to the God and in trust
between people. If the trust is broken then innermost life meanings are broken,
and as a result human spirit perishes.
The ninth circle of the hell corresponds with middle of forehead and
integrating consciousness which carries out interrelations between the supreme
objective thinking and subjective mind of a man, and also
carries out interrelations between collective intellect of people and own thoughts
of a man. But negative quality of integrating consciousness can be destruction
of interrelations as a result of deliberate deceits or treacheries.
The Lucifer (top of forehead and number 9) is the maximal evil point among nine
infernal circles.
The Lucifer falsifies the God, namely he creates illusion according to which people
perceive his dazzling beauty as luminous beauty of the God. Or it is possible to tell that
the Lucifer creates illusion according to which people see his infernal beauty
instead of the God. As the Lucifer is a fallen angel who has qualities of
seraphim and is the carrier of light, that allows to forge the God.
The Lucifer corresponds with top of forehead and synthesizing
consciousness the same as Limbo in the first circle of the hell where ideas of mankind
concentrate, and consequently the Lucifer is capable to forge human ideas, and
also the Lucifer is capable to forge the supreme forms of consciousness which
proceed from the heavenly spheres of paradise and divine worlds.
Look more detailed information on structures of the universe and psychic
properties of world levels directly in the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, and
also look the commenting literature.
The following page gives comparison of facial physiognomy in features of a human face and numbers in numerology with circles of the purgatory.