physiognomy and images of gods

facial traits of people and numbers

Page 1.

lineament traits in physiognomy
deities of the Greek and Roman mythologies
numerology and physiognomic traits
lineaments of a human face
supreme heavenly spheres
page show general chart
ancient Chinese Canon
correcting of subjective notions

physiognomy and images of mythological gods


Facial traits of people and numbers.
The first page compares facial traits of human half-faces to nine numbers of Pythagorean numerology and images of gods in the Greek mythology, and also gives comparison of nine-level and twelve-level physiognomic systems.


Facial traits and numbers in numerology.
Physiognomy and images of mythological gods

Numbers in numerology are nine signs or ciphers of decimal system of math notations, but mathematical signs are symbols which designate various physical substances and metaphysical phenomenal essences of world around, and essentially designate "sizes" or otherwise to tell magnitudes of the existing phenomena of which the world consists. It is possible to tell that nine numerological numbers are a scale according to which phenomenal magnitudes form a range of the world validity.
Appearance of a man is a projection of personality and consequently facial traits of human faces can be correlated to a world scale of physical and metaphysical phenomena. Namely physiognomic lineaments of people can be considered as a scale of physical substances and metaphysical essences, and accordingly it is possible to correlate facial traits of people to numbers in numerology, that is shown in the table.

facial traits as a scale of physical substances and metaphysical essences Top of forehead - num 9 - goddess Aphrodite.
Middle of forehead - num 8 - gods Apollo and Dionysus.
Eyebrows - num 7 - gods Hephaestus and Prometheus.
Top of nose bridge - num 6 - deities Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter, Hestia.
Middle of nose bridge - num 5 - goddess Athena.
Nose-tip - num 4 - goddesses Hera and Leto.
Upper lip - num 3 - god Hermes
Lower lip - num 2 - gods Artemis and Hecate.
Chin - num 1 - god Ares and goddess Eris.


Numerological numbers correspond with images of gods in ancient Greek mythology that corresponds to principles of Pythagorean numerology, namely characteristics of gods in myths of the Ancient Greece correspond to meanings of numbers. And also people have characteristics similar to images of ancient Greek gods if corresponding physiognomic facial traits in human half-faces are expressed.
Chin - num sign 1 - Ares and Eris in myths.
Mythological Ares is a deity having energy, and accordingly people have force for realization of vigorous actions, namely people are capable to put forward own requirements and to achieve desirable results, that corresponds to reactionary feelings in a context of physiognomy.
Ares in Greek myths is the god of war but it does not mean that people with big chins are aggressive, as human faces seldom have only one expressed physiognomic trait. The man can have except for a chin other expressed physiognomic traits which correspond to characteristics of other mythological gods which can be mutually exclusive, namely which can constrain aggressive characteristics of Ares. But if only the chin is considerably expressed concerning other physiognomic facial traits then the man can be aggressive.
Also other listed characteristics of gods are significant if corresponding facial traits considerably are expressed concerning other physiognomic features. And if different features of human faces are expressed then actually characteristics of people are caused by correlations of facial traits, or otherwise to tell are caused by relationships of mythological gods.
Besides number 1 in numerology and big chins in physiognomy correspond with the mythological Eris who is the goddess of discords and was the initiator of Trojan war in myths. But in essence Eris is the goddess of rivalry and competitions, and also the deity of fair equity. Namely Eris was the initiator of contention and Trojan war as she wished to compare beauty of three most arrogant goddesses (Aphrodite, Hera, Athena) of the Olympic pantheon, and she wished to determine the most beautiful goddess as a result of fair competition.
Lower lip - num sign 2 - Artemis and Hecate in myths.
Mythological Artemis is the spontaneous goddess who protects laws of the nature, namely she follows natural displays of vital desires and becomes violent if natural laws are broken. Provided that Artemis has dual image, namely she is spontaneous but also in myths there is an image of the chaste goddess who tames unrestrained customs of the spontaneous elemental world. It is possible to tell that Artemis is capable to raise elements of the nature but also can rule over elements, that corresponds to compromise feelings in physiognomy.
Hecate is the mythological goddess of charms, namely she is capable to fascinate people as mysterious psychic energies of the nature are latent in metaphysical image of Hecate.
Besides number 2 in numerology and the expressed lower lip in physiognomy correspond with the mythological Selene who is personification of the moon, and the moon is a symbol of sensuality and consequently it seems that people with big lower lips have expressive feelings.
pper lip - num sign 3 - Hermes in myths.
Mythological Hermes is the intermediary between gods and people that personifies a principle of subordination and corresponds with the regulated feelings which mean observance of rules in relationships.
Possibility of penetration into worlds of gods and people can be considered as a mythological image of  insight, namely Hermes has acute feelings and astute perception, or it is possible to tell extrasensory sensation of the world.
Besides Hermes is a patron of trickery and cunning, as his intensive sensations allow to manipulate feelings of people.
ose-tip - num sign 4 - Hera and Leto in myths.
Mythological Hera is the goddess who is a symbol of matrimonial relationships and is the wife of the Supreme Olympic god Zeus, namely matrimonial relationships of this goddess are an attribute of significant social position that is possible by means of participation in affairs of world governors. It corresponds with radical individuality according to which men and women show own personalities, namely Hera aspires to titles for the sake of demonstration of own personality and she needs patrons, but she adheres to principles of equality and respect in mutual relationships. If principles of mutual respect are broken then Hera is the vindictive and jealous goddess.
Demonstration of social statuses of personalities are possible if people have expressed not only nose-tips which correspond to number 4 and Hera in a context of Pythagorean numerology, but also expressed top of nose bridge which corresponds to number 6 and Zeus.
Mythological Leto too aspires to respect and titles and significant social position, namely Leto is proud in glory of her children and she accepts honors which are possible owing to children who are Artemis and Apollo. And also this goddess of the Greek myths aspires to the consent and unanimity in relationships.
iddle of nose bridge - num sign 5 - Athena in myths.
Athena is the most significant figure of ancient Greek mythology as this goddess is not subject to authority of the Supreme Olympic gods, namely she is independent and exclusive goddess in relation to other gods, that corresponds with voluntary individuality in a context of physiognomy.
She is fearless and demands respect in relationships. She is capable to have leader role and can lead people by means of own acts, but Athena does not command above gods and people as Zeus and Poseidon do, namely she promotes voluntary displays of human aspirations.
Besides Athena in a context of the Greek mythology is the goddess of wisdom as an epithet of her name is Sofia that means "divine knowledge".
Wisdom of Athena is not shown directly in sphere of individuality, but can be shown in the event that any facial traits in physiognomic sphere of consciousness also are expressed in addition to the middle of nose bridge.

Top of nose bridge - num sign 6 - Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter, Hestia.
Mythological Zeus and Poseidon are Supreme Olympic gods who have unconditional authority.
Zeus does not realize function of authority itself, but other gods execute his will and as a result Zeus organizes the measured order of life. Namely image of Zeus seems terrible and impressive, and consequently he is the reason of unconditional submission, but also Zeus is a majestic and benevolent god who brings calmness and confidence in the world.
Poseidon is the god of water elements, and consequently he has violent temper. He does not submit to another's will and aspires to own power, namely Poseidon is the self-confident and quiet god, but violent temper is shown if someone challenges the right of his authority.
Demeter is a source of fertility and material welfare, namely her mythological image associates with abundance and material riches.
Hestia is the divine keeper of eternal fire which is a symbol of firmness for the world order.
In myths of ancient Greece four Supreme gods correspond with 4 world elements. Zeus - air, Poseidon - water, Demeter - earth, Hestia - fire. Therefore it is possible to compare: Zeus - nose-tip, Demeter - bottom of nose bridge, Hestia - middle of nose bridge, Poseidon - top of nose bridge if to consider four gods in a context of twelve-level physiognomic system. But in a context of nine-level facial systems four gods correspond with top of nose bridge and correspond with conservative individuality.
Pay attention that Hera is the wife of Zeus that supposes comparison of Zeus with nose-tip, and also Athena has characteristics which are peculiar for Demeter and Hestia, that supposes comparison of these goddesses with bottom and middle of nose bridge. Namely nine and twelve lineament levels of a human face are correlating in a context of physiognomy, that is told below on this page.

Eyebrows - num sign 7 - Hephaestus and Prometheus in myths.
Mythological Hephaestus is the smith and reasonable master who creates effective mechanisms, that in a context of physiognomy corresponds with analytical consciousness, as analytical functions of consciousness are necessary for creation of mechanisms.
Mythological Prometheus has the name which means "conceiving before" that too corresponds with analytical consciousness. This god is a source of fire and knowledge for mankind, as he educates people and enables to think independently, that contradicts aspirations of Zeus who has chained Prometheus to a rock.
Brother of Prometheus is Epimetheus whose name means "conceiving after", that corresponds with the expressed chin and reactionary feelings in physiognomy, and also with number 1 in numerology, as Epimetheus before operates and then realizes results of actions.
Middle of forehead - num sign 8 - Apollo and Dionysus in myths.
Mythological Dionysus is the god of winemaking and intoxication ecstasy, and in essence Dionysus personifies unusual conditions of consciousness, that is identical to processes which occur as a result of realization of integrating functions of consciousness in a context of physiognomy.
Mythological Apollo is founder of the Delphic Oracle, namely this god has gift or talent of prophecies, that corresponds with integrating consciousness which is a link between synthesizing and analytical functions of consciousness, and which forms interrelations between various sources of information.
And also Apollo is the god of art that too means creation of interrelations between various sources of information.
Apollo is brother of Artemis in a context of the Greek mythology, that specifies correlation of integrating consciousness and compromise feelings, and also correlation of the forehead middle with the lower lip in lineaments of a human face in a context of physiognomy.
Top of forehead - num sign 9 - Aphrodite in myths.
The mythological Aphrodite is the goddess of terrestrial and heavenly love.
In the first case she has name Pandemos and corresponds with synthesizing traits of consciousness according to which people perceive various sources of information as a unit or a single whole. And in the second case she has name Urania and means ideas which people perceive as entering psychological signals in view of physiognomy.
Otherwise it is possible to tell that Aphrodite in the first case is personification of terrestrial wisdom, and in the second case personifies heavenly wisdom, but in both cases she symbolizes love which is connected with maximal displays of mind and which corresponds with top of forehead in physiognomy.
Wisdom and love of Aphrodite can be shown not only in sphere of consciousness, but also at different facial traits of individuality and feelings if any lineaments of other physiognomic spheres also are expressed together with top of forehead. As Aphrodite in a context of the Greek mythology is the goddess whose beauty is pleasant to all gods. And including she is pleasant for Hera and Athena, though these goddesses challenged the right to be the most beautiful.
More detailed information on mythological gods of ancient Greece and numbers of Pythagorean numerology look on pages of other website in section about numerology.
And in particular look the information on ratio of nine numerological numbers and interrelations of the Greek mythological gods within the magic square according to which it is possible to consider interrelations and ratios of facial traits in a context of physiognomy.
Or information on characters and interrelationships of gods look in books about mythology, and also directly in texts of ancient Greek myths.
The information about meanings of physiognomic spheres of a human face and psychological signals of personality in a context of physiognomy look on pages of this website in sections which have names: half faces (concepts 1 and 4).

The listed characteristics of mythological gods and numerological numbers are compared to physiognomy of a human face in frameworks of nine-level physiognomic system that differs from twelve levels of facial traits which correspond with geometrical proportions of the sacred Egyptian or Pythagorean triangle, and also correspond with twelve signs of the zodiac and planets in astrology.
Physiognomic lineaments of two systems have equal but not identical parities with facial traits, that is shown on the chart.

points specify facial traits which correspond to lineament features The scale of twelve-level physiognomic system is specified at  the left of conditional facial contour on this chart, and the scale of nine-level lineament system on the right is specified.
Dark points specify facial traits which correspond to levels of both systems, and white points specify facial traits which correspond to lineament features of only twelve-level system.
As it is possible to see, the bottom of nose bridge, the interval between nose and upper lip, the interval between chin and lower lip are not considered in the nine-level physiognomic system. And other facial features are equal in two systems.

During physiognomic researches for visual measurements of facial traits it is possible to be approximately guided by the shown dark and white points, that can be quite enough in a context of physiognomy. Or it is possible to apply methods of exact measurements if calculations of geometrical proportions of facial shapes are required, that can be necessary in physiognomy, and also in cosmetic medicine and plastic surgery, that is told on pages of this website in section: half faces (concepts 3).
For exact measurements of formal sizes and shapes of human faces within the nine-level physiognomic system it is possible to apply a special scale which is compared to sizes of nine facial traits. The information on such scale of lineament measurements I shall try to publish in the future.

The following page compares gods of ancient Greek mythology to Roman deities, and also compares to numbers in numerology and physiognomy of a human face.


beginning - upwards - following