Physiognomy of symbolical emotions.
Hexagram of the canon of changes YiKing 36.

art designers of television studios and emotions of facial features on TV emotions of audience in studios of television programs and TV channels

If you are art designer who decorate television studios of TV channels then you can consider the shown physiognomic symbols to correlate facial features and emotions of presenters and showmen with scenery. Because decorative design of background in television studios is comparable to emotions of eyebrows. The central characters or acting persons are comparable to emotional aspects of eyes. Decorative characteristics of various visual objects and subjects within spatial limits of television studios are comparable to emotions of a mouth.
Scenery of background, clothes and suits of presenters and showmen, and also decorative design of visible objects in television studios can be accented by color or other visual means which are capable to provoke emotional reactions of TV spectators and viewers.
And also art designers can coordinate scenery with emotions in faces of public audience in studios of television programs and TV channels.


Emotions of social relationships.
individual mind corresponds with public consciousness.
Eyes: personal volition subordinates to collective will.
Mouth: private needs subordinate to social requirements.
Private reason of a man or woman corresponds with collective consciousness, but public will and corporative needs of society dominate over personal volition and individual wants.

Personal mutual relations.
you think of people and-or companions regard you.
Eyes: you do not wish to see people and-or companions do not need your presence.
Mouth: you can not speak and-or companions do not listen to you.

Mental attitudes.
your notion is equivalent to opinions of people.
Eyes: your point of view is caused by sights of people.
Mouth: your words are caused by assertions of people.

You understand that people compel you to refuse dialogue or communication with them.


Following 37 physiognomic symbol in gallery.
About art designers of television studios and emotions of facial features on TV, also about showmen and optical lens of video cameras.