Physiognomic sign of a face 12.
Gallery of facial lineaments and hexagrams of the canon ijing.

facial emotions of sellers and trading assistants

If you own shop or a trading network of firm shops then facial emotions of sellers and trading assistants should not be quiet, as in this case there is an impression of indifferent attitude to buyers. And also emotional displays in faces of sellers and trading assistants should not be joyful or sad, as sad emotions can cause a uncooperative altitude to the goods, and if sellers express joyful emotions then can seem that the shop imposes some unnecessary goods to buyers.


Oracle of human emotions.

Oracle of information.
Eyebrows: you do not know external information.
Eyes: you have reliable information.
Mouth: you open own information.

Oracle of situation.
Eyebrows: development of situation is uncontrollable - outside of someone's dependence.
Eyes: you involve people in situation - initiate people.
Mouth: assistance of people is necessary - common decision of problems.

Oracle of events.
Eyebrows: you do not realize events.
Eyes: you cause motive of events.
Mouth: you perceive events actively.


Following 13 facial mark in gallery.
Facial emotions of sellers and trading networks of firm shops, or psychological training for salespeople.