
analytical philosophy of a face

philosophy of emotions

mimic parameters of facial emotions
mimic features and Chinese numerology
emotional images of cosmetic make-up
mantic formulas of facial oracle
physiognomies of Pierrot and Harlequin
mental illusions of human personality
predictive mantic system of face-reading
philosophical concepts of ARS MAGNA

Page 9. 

physiognomy and symbols of emotions


Symbols of hexagrams and formulas of emotions.
The ninth page gives information on ratio of defining and defined words in linguistic formulas of analytical philosophy with emotional spheres of a human face. And also information on complex logic formulas which in the context of analytical philosophy have variable arrangements of defined and defining words.

Information of this page can be interesting not only in psychology and psychoanalysis, but also in linguistics and literary criticism for people who are interested in poetry and systems of rhyme verses. Because formulas of analytical philosophy can be considered as lines of poems, and epithets of philosophical concepts can be compared to poetic images in verses.


Formulas of analytical philosophy and facial emotions.
Philosophical concepts and hexagrams I-Ching.

Connections of physiognomic symbols with philosophical concepts form complex word-combinations or linguistic analytical formulas according to which it is possible to analyze emotions of a face from view points of semantic values or meanings which are included in words. Or otherwise it is possible to analyze philosophical concepts from view points of psychological values which associate with emotions of a human face.
Such method of logical analysis corresponds to concepts of analytical philosophy in which context semantic values of philosophical concepts have consideration from view points of mathematical logics and laws of linguistics. And also such logical method of analysis unites analytical philosophy with psychology and physiognomy, because philosophical concepts are interfaced to facial features and emotions of a human face.
In essence this logical method of analysis allows to correlate physiognomic symbols and words in formulas of analytical philosophy to mathematical system of hexagrams of the canon of changes I-Ching. And as a result it is possible to consider facial expressions or emotional displays of a human face as analytical formulas, and by that it is possible to solve psychological and philosophical problems as linguistic tasks.
Logic formulas of analytical philosophy can be different, but according to hexagrams of the canon of changes I-Ching each formula includes three words, and also each word has four epithets. As a result there are 64 variants of each analytical formula that corresponds with 64 hexagrams I-Ching.
Words in formulas of analytical philosophy form logical order, namely there is one defined and two defining words. For example, philosophical concepts of FREEDOM and COMPREHENSION and NECESSITY form analytical formula: "freedom is comprehension of necessity".
FREEDOM is defined word.
COMPREHENSION and NECESSITY are defining words.
But this analytical formula can have three variants as a result of linguistic modifications in logical order of defined and defining words.
Freedom is comprehension of necessity.
Comprehension is necessity of freedom.
Necessity is freedom of comprehension.

Or it is possible to consider six variants of this formula.
Freedom is comprehension of necessity.
Freedom is necessity of comprehension.
Comprehension is necessity of freedom.
Comprehension is freedom of necessity.
Necessity is freedom of comprehension.
Necessity is comprehension of freedom.

It seems what not all variants of this formula have sense, but each variant matters from the view point of analytical philosophy. Because analytical philosophy considers philosophical concepts as logic combinations of words, and also considers any irregular combinations of words.
Each word in analytical formula can have epithets which correspond to four types of digrams according to logical or linear structure of hexagrams in the canon of changes I-Ching.

Freedom can have epithets.
6 - public freedom.
7 - unlimited freedom.
8 - limited freedom.
9 - personal freedom.
Necessity can have epithets.
6 - collective necessity.
7 - sufficient necessity.
8 - compelled necessity.
9 - individual necessity.
Comprehension can have epithets.
6 - objective comprehension.
7 - proved comprehension.
8 - unproved comprehension.
9 - subjective comprehension.

As a result this formula of analytical philosophy can be correlated to physiognomic symbols of facial expressions, and in total it is possible to consider 64x6=384 logical variants in which defining and defined words with epithets have variable arrangements.
For example, this analytical formula for 11th hexagram of the canon of changes I-Ching looks as following six variants:

11 variants of formula words of I-Ching Objective comprehension is individual necessity of limited freedom.
Objective comprehension is limited freedom of individual necessity.
Limited freedom is objective comprehension of individual necessity.
Limited freedom is individual necessity of objective comprehension.
Individual necessity is objective comprehension of limited freedom.
Individual necessity is limited freedom of objective comprehension.

COMPREHENSION is possible for comparing with lines of top digram in hexagrams I-Ching and emotions of eyebrows. FREEDOM can be compared with central digram and emotional expression s of eyes. NECESSITY can be compared with bottom lines and facial lineament of a mouth. But also it is possible to consider other ratios of words with emotional spheres or lineaments of a human face. As a result not only different sequences of words, but also various ratios with emotional spheres can correspond to philosophical concepts in formulas of analytical philosophy.
It is possible to consider that the most significant can be any one emotional sphere of a human face. For example, if emotional displays of eyebrows are significant or paramount then following variants of analytical formula are actual.
1 (eyebrows) objective comprehension - (mouth) individual necessity of (eyes) limited freedom.
2 (eyebrows) objective comprehension - (eyes) limited freedom of (mouth) individual necessity.
Two variants of formula according to different sequences of words possess various philosophical senses. Namely according with dual meanings of emotions and values of words such person realizes that restriction of freedom is necessary in the first case. And also such person realizes that objective comprehension results from the compelled restriction of freedom of individual necessity in the second case.
Namely this person estimates world reality from the view point of emotional sphere of consciousness which is paramount and is compared to the defined word, and minor emotions of eyes and mouth are compared to defining words.
In a similar way it is possible to analyze other variants of this analytical formula, and also you can analyze 64x6=384 variants which correspond with all 64 hexagrams of the canon of changes I-Ching and different ratios of words with emotional lineaments of a human face.
Some formulas in the context of analytical philosophy can have out-of-order or irregular variants which seem wrong from the view point of standard linguistic rules of application and coordination of words in a language. For example, analytical formula: "opportunity is probability of event" has variants.
Opportunity is probability of event.
Opportunity is event of probability.
Probability is opportunity of event.
Probability is event of opportunity.
Event is opportunity of probability.
Event is probability of opportunity.

Three variants of this formula can be considered as regular and three variants as irregular, because word-combinations: EVENT of PROBABILITY, or EVENT of OPPORTUNITY, or OPPORTUNITY of PROBABILITY are unusual and mismatching for standard linguistic rules of application and coordination of words. But however these word-combinations are significant according to correlations of words in formulas of analytical philosophy with emotions of a human face.
I mean standard linguistic rules of application and coordination of words in Russian language. But linguistic principles and orders can be others in other languages, and accordingly different variants of this formula can be regular or irregular.
In total variable arrangements of words in linguistic formulas of analytical philosophy and also combinations with epithets allow to understand complex phenomena of world reality, and also allow to correlate philosophical concepts to facial expressions or manifestations of human emotions, that is intrusting for physiognomy or face-reading.
Formulas of analytical philosophy can be applied for divinations and predictions, or conjectural forecasts and fortune-telling prognoses, because words can mean literal probability of possible events, or can mean other mantic aspects of a human life. Namely the offered method of intellectual analysis of human emotions by means of logical connection of words with hexagrams of the canon of changes I-Ching and physiognomic symbols of facial expressions allows to solve various philosophical or psychological, or predictive conjectural problems.
I hope that the offered method of facial physiognomy and analytical formulas in galleries will be interesting for your attention.


Nine pages in this section of website have resulted enough information to use physiognomic images and texts in five thematic galleries for decisions of various questions which can be significant for people. But it is necessary to consider that physiognomic images and analytical formulas are a symbolical language which has conditional application for description of real world, and consequently it is necessary to distinguish symbolical emotions and real facial shapes of emotional expressions in faces of people.
Also online resources of this website have nine pages or section which is named as emotional types, where detail instructions and rules for visual identification or face-reading of human emotions and facial expressions are published.
And also look section which is named as circles of emotions, where I have shown charts or schemes of spatial arrangements according to which you can analyze geometrical ratios or aspects of physiognomic symbols, and to speak about human mutual relations which caused by expressions of emotions.

On previous pages in this section of website you can find information about physiognomies of Pierrot and Harlequin, mimic parameters of emotions and Chinese numerology, emotional images of cosmetic make-up and mantic formulas of facial oracle, mental illusions of human personality and predictive system of face-reading, conjectural forecasts or prognoses of psychical moods and philosophical concepts of ARS MAGNA.
