Gallery of universal triangles.
Hexagram i-jing 06.
1. Perfect world.
ARIES - cardinal sign and first quarter of zodiac.
AQUARIUS - firm sign and fourth quarter of zodiac.
PISCES - mutable sign and fourth quarter of zodiac.
2. Person.
CAPRICORN - cardinal mark and elements of ground.
LEO - firm mark and elements of fire.
SAGITTARIUS - mutable mark and elements of fire.
3. Imperfect world - unconscious sphere.
TAURUS - initial third of astrological circle and symbol of earth element.
LEO - middle third of zodiacal circle and symbol of fiery element.
SAGITTARIUS - last third of astrological circle and symbol of fiery element.
4. Imperfect world - conscious sphere.
CAPRICORN - third segment of zodiacal chart and ground natural elements.
LEO - second segment of zodiacal chart and fire natural elements.
ARIES - first segment of zodiacal chart and fire natural elements.
5. Discrete world - astral sphere.
CAPRICORN - area of slow planets - earth elemental nature.
ARIES - area of less rapid planets - fiery elemental nature.
LEO - area of fast heavenly bodies - fiery elemental nature.
6. Discrete world - ethereal sphere.
VIRGO - slow heavenly bodies and ground elementals.
LEO - less rapid heavenly bodies and fire elementals.
ARIES - fast planets and fire elementals.
Formal-symbolical models of universe on pages of this gallery can be interesting to researchers of esoteric knowledge of ancient civilizations. As mythological pantheons of gods and cosmological charts of world space, and also mystical concepts and notions of people about divine structures of human person in the context of various religious and philosophical systems of ancient civilizations could be constructed according to ratio of 64 hexagrams i-jing with astrological circle and signs of zodiac.
Next 7 hexagram.
Information about formal-symbolical models of universe and
historical epochs of mankind evolution.