
divine qualities of spirit

psycho-physiological body

divine categories of invisible Spirit
hexagrams in geometrical forms of triangles
astrological model of human personality
motive forces and names of archons
divine image of invisible Spirit
ancient culture and philosophy of China

Page 7.

infernal demons and monsters
seven planets in Apocryphon of John

realization of spirit at different levels of universe  

Realization of spirit at different levels of universe.
The seventh page describes processes according to which connection of human spirit with psycho-physiological body and creation of soul have realization at different levels of world reality. And also seventh page speaks about Transfiguration, Resurrection and Ascension, namely about processes which were realized as the result of connection of divine spirit of Jesus Christ with psycho-physiological human body.

Information of this page can be necessary in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis for understanding of spiritual qualities of human personality, and also in the academic science which study culture and philosophical doctrines of ancient India or other religions of world nations. Because misunderstanding of spiritual qualities of human person leads to wrong scientific knowledge about psychology and physiology, and remain defective notions about religious concepts of Gnostic Christianity.


Divine qualities of human spirit.
Body of a man and creation of immortal soul.

The imperfect world grows out action which was made according to desire of Sophia. Therefore primary idea or prince of imperfect world possessed divine properties of Sophia. But human personality was embodied in the imperfect world, and primary idea as a result has been damaged or discredited. Because godlike image of human personality and spirit of life descend from aeons of perfect pleroma, and too as Sophia have forethought, foreknowledge, indestructibility, eternal life and truth which are divine qualities.
Namely as the result of not authorized action of Sophia there was primary idea which corresponds with Brahman in the context of Indian religious philosophy. Or primary idea of imperfect world corresponds with Absolute or Initial Engine from the view point of philosophical systems of Ancient Greece.
And then in the imperfect world there was embodiment of personal monad of human spirit or otherwise to tell godlike image of a perfect man which is Atman in the context of religious philosophy of ancient India.
Atman or monad of human spirit denies realization of Brahman or primary idea of imperfect world. And also Brahman or primary idea counteracts realization of human spirit or Atman. Therefore Atman cannot be identical to Brahman, that is the basic mystical principle or esoteric postulate of ancient Indian philosophy. Except for some philosophical systems or religious doctrines which approve unity of Atman and Brahman.
In the imperfect world there was creation of psycho-physiological human body which has been created according to godlike image of Atman existing in aeons of perfect pleroma. But psycho-physiological human body was formed of energy and matter, and also space and time which form structure of imperfect levels of world reality.
Psycho-physiological body has incorporated with divine monad of human spirit, and as a result personal Atman was embodied in the imperfect world, that has led to discrimination of Brahman.
Therefore primary idea or Brahman carried out creation of discrete world where divine monad of human spirit has been connected to dual forces and polar powers, and as a result psycho-physiological human body became polarized.
Polarized psycho-physiological body is astral from the view point of modern occult philosophy or otherwise to tell anthroposophy and theosophy.
The astral polarized body has been created by 365 angels or archons whose names are listed in the Apocryphon of apostle John.
Astral body was motionless, but force of Sophia has been withdrawn from prince of imperfect world and as a result human personality has received movement which has led to realization of life which is the source of existence of human spirit and descends from aeons of perfect pleroma.
Then archons have seen that have given own force to the man whose wisdom has become stronger more rather than at those who has created him. Archons have seen that the man thinks better of them and possesses freedom of will, or otherwise to tell he was free from wickedness, as it is written in the Apocryphon of John.
"And in that moment the powers became jealous, because he had come into being through all of them and they had given their force to the man, and his intelligence was greater than that of those who had made him, and greater than that of the chief archon. And when they recognized that he was luminous, and that he could think better than they, and that he was free from wickedness, they took him and threw him into the lowest region of all matter".
Then astral body has been placed in the bottom part of substance which is formed by dual forces of discrete world. As a result in the discrete world there was creation of ethereal polarized body which too has incorporated with divine monad of human spirit or Atman.
And then human spirit or Atman has been placed in the physical material reality. Namely there was creation of material or otherwise to tell terrestrial or clay psycho-physiological body which has birth from the dust of the ground and again comes back in the ground.
As it is written in the Apocryphon of John.
"They took fire and earth and water and mixed them together with the four fiery winds. And they wrought them together and caused a great disturbance. And they brought Adam into the shadow of death, in order that they might form him again from earth and water and fire and the spirit which originates in matter, which is the ignorance of darkness and desire, and their counterfeit deceptive spirit. This is the tomb of the newly-formed body with which the robbers had clothed the man, the bond of forgetfulness. And he became a mortal man."
In total Atman or human spirit as a result of birth of each person incorporates with psycho-physiological body which is located in imperfect and discrete worlds, and also within limits of physical matter of universe. As a result of such complex connection there is formation of human soul or otherwise to tell Ahamkara in the context of Indian religious philosophy. Or it is possible to tell that as a result of complex connection of spirit TE with psycho-physiological body TAO there is formation of CHING or soul of human personality from the view point of religious conceptions of Chinese Taoism.
The soul or Ahamkara is a substance which each person perceives as own individuality. Because a data carrier about individuality of a man is consciousness, and also feelings and sensations which are actual if personal monad of human spirit is connected with psycho-physiological body. Namely if human spirit is not connected to feelings and consciousness of psycho-physiological body then there is no soul which is the carrier of individual information.
If physical human body dies then monad of spirit remains connected with ethereal and astral bodies in the discrete world, and consequently psycho-physiological essence of soul continues to exist.
Then monad of spirit remains connected only with astral body in the discrete world, when there is disappearance of ethereal corporal capsule.
Then there is disappearance of astral body and as a result psycho-physiological essence of human soul finishes existence. And then again there is connection of divine monad of human spirit with new psycho-physiological body, and as a result there is a new soul which is the carrier of new individual information.
Monad of human spirit as a result of this process is kept former, but destruction of soul and disappearance of former psycho-physiological body is the reason of destruction or annihilation of information about individuality of a person.
Hinduism and Buddhism name this process as Wheel of Samsara, or otherwise to tell karmic cycle of regenerations or reincarnations of human spirit.
Process of regenerations is considered as natural in the Hinduism, and in the Buddhism is considered as unnatural. Namely according to philosophical concepts of Buddhism the highest blessing for human person is clearing from the Wheel of Samsara and going out of human spirit on the level of divine aeons of perfect pleroma outside of imperfect and discrete worlds. Namely outside of energy, matter, space and time which form psycho-physiological bodies at imperfect levels of world reality.
But actually clearing of human spirit from the Wheel of Samsara in the context of Buddhist philosophy is impossible aspiration. Because existence of human personality in the imperfect world has been predetermined by aeons of perfect pleroma, and consequently going outside is a contradiction to divine plan.
And also infinite regeneration of human spirit in the Wheel of Samsara according to religious-philosophical conceptions of Hinduism is not original sense of existence of a person, because mankind should carry out transformation of world reality. Namely people by means of psycho-physiological bodies should create souls which do not disappear and possess forethought, foreknowledge, indestructibility, eternal life and truth. Because these divine qualities belong to human spirit and should cooperate with psycho-physiological body of each person.
If a person creates indestructible soul, namely complete or otherwise to tell integral connection of divine qualities of a godlike monad of human spirit with psycho-physiological body, then transformation of world reality can be real, and also eternal life and immortality of human personality can be realized.
But actually it is impossible aspiration because of infernal powers of imperfect and discrete worlds which counteract a man. Namely deceptive primary idea of supreme archon of the imperfect world and false harmony of the dual polarized forces of discrete reality deny indestructible connection of divine qualities of human spirit with psycho-physiological body, and as a result infernal powers deny creation of immortal soul.
Therefore the spark of light of invisible Spirit or otherwise to tell his Son and third face of divine Trinity was embodied in the world reality as one of human children to create indestructible connection of divine qualities of spirit with energy, matter, space and time of psycho-physiological body. Namely in order to creation of indestructible soul and transformation of world reality as a consequence of Transfiguration, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ.
Birth of Jesus Christ was the reason of Transfiguration or otherwise to tell transformation of psycho-physiological body, that apostles on the Mount Tabor saw. And also Resurrection of lifeless physical body and subsequent Ascension of Jesus Christ on the Mount of Olives. Namely there was transformation of universe, because physical human body after Transfiguration and Resurrection has been raised in ethereal and astral reality of discrete world without destruction. And also physical human body has been raised in sphere of primary idea of imperfect world too without destruction.
Because the transfigured physical body of Jesus Christ possessed unity of dual forces in ethereal and astral reality of discrete world, and consequently has kept integrity and indestructibility. And also primary idea of imperfect world could not deny individual consciousness of psycho-physiological essence of Jesus Christ. And consequently the spirit has kept integral unity of mental and physiological parts of entire complex of psycho-physiological human body, namely has kept indestructible integrity of soul.
Because primary idea or prince of imperfect world as the result of Ascension of Jesus Christ and transformation of universe has been tied, as it is written in the Revelation to Saint John: "He seized the dragon, the old serpent, which is the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole inhabited earth, and bound him ... and cast him into the abyss of bottomless pit, and shut him, and set a seal upon him".
And then the transfigured physical body of Jesus Christ has been raised in aeons of perfect pleroma where has been incorporated to image of initial godlike man. And psycho-physiological essence of Jesus Christ began to exist at all levels of world reality, that is the purpose of each person and all human civilization. Because monad of spirit or Atman of each person possesses divine qualities which are similar to the God and are capable as a result of indestructible connection with psycho-physiological body to create soul owing to which human personality can be immortal and can exist at all levels of world reality.
Look additional information about levels and spheres of world reality on other website www.wordgame.64g.ru on the ninth page in section which is named as signs on gods, where there is description of eight circles of heavenly hierarchies which form structure of universe in the context of Gnostic Christian philosophy, and which are described in the book Pistis Sophia.
Or look information about spheres of world reality on pages of website www.wordgame.64g.ru in section which is named as names of gods where there is description of hierarchical classes of deities in ancient Vedic mythology which existed in India before occurrence of modern Hinduism and which has been written in Vedas. Because hierarchy of heavenly deities Adityas corresponds to the level of imperfect world. Hierarchy of atmospheric deities Rudras and twins Ashvins correspond to the astral sphere of discrete world. The hierarchy of terrestrial deities Vasus corresponds with the ethereal sphere of discrete world.

Following page describes processes which occur after death, namely after termination of existence of physical material body, when individual consciousness of human personality disappears.


Also nine pages in this section of website describe divine categories of invisible Spirit and hexagrams in geometrical forms of triangles, astrological model of human personality and seven planets in Apocryphon of John, ancient culture and philosophy of China, motive forces and names of archons, images of infernal demons and monsters.
