image of world reality

image of universe

book of Genesis in the Bible
triangles of zodiac signs
evolution of human souls

Page 4.

divine light of world reality
scientific psychoanalysis and psychotherapy
realization of Brahman or primary idea
psycho-physiological bodies of men and women
luminous epinoia of perfect aeons

image of divine order in the imperfect world  

Image of divine order in the imperfect world.
The fourth page describes reasons of occurrence of imperfect levels of universe, and also ratios of global categories with astrological charts of various levels of world reality.

Information of this page can be interesting to theologians and seminary students, because knowledge about Sophia and esoteric reasons of human existence at imperfect levels of world reality had essential value in early Christian philosophy, but in modern theology and divinity it does not taken into consideration. Because significant number of ancient Christian temples has been devoted to Sophia, but now mystical knowledge of early Christian philosophy are forgotten.


Wrong origin of imperfect world.
Global categories and image of universe.

After description of perfect godlike pleroma in the Apocryphon of apostle John there is information about esoteric reasons as a result of which there is origin of imperfect world.
Esoteric reason of wrong origin of imperfect world was Sophia who is the sister of godlike essences or otherwise to tell belongs to number of twelve aeons of perfect pleroma. But existence of imperfect world reality was caused by Sophia, because she has wanted to open own image without will of Spirit.
"She wanted to bring forth a likeness out of herself without the consent of the Spirit."
Sophia has many epithets in the Apocryphon of John and other Gnostic books, but among other meanings she means "primordial" as corresponds with zodiac sign Aries which is the beginning of astrological circle and symbolizes origin of universe, that is possible to see on the chart on previous page.
Sophia is divine aeon and consequently possesses godlike qualities which are peculiar for all aeons of perfect pleroma. Therefore her desire was carried out, but her erroneous created image had imperfect forms and shapes because of creation without accordant consent of Spirit.
Erroneous image of Sophia is primary idea or otherwise to tell primal-thought of imperfect world. The primary idea is prince of imperfect world or supreme archon who possesses qualities which Sophia has, but erroneous image does not possess Spirit as Sophia had no the consent of universal spiritual essence.
The primary idea is derivative power from desire of Sophia, and consequently prince of imperfect world has continued further self-realization without consent of Spirit and contrary to Sophia, but by means of invincible force of creation which is taken from Sophia.
Namely Sophia is the source of realization of imperfect idea, but she cannot stop realization as invincible force of creation is indestructible divine quality.
Realization of imperfect idea has occurred outside of twelve aeons of perfect pleroma. It is possible to tell that imperfect world has resulted from process which by astrophysics is named as "big explosion of creation" or "initial impulse of Universe". Therefore perfect pleroma were evolved energy, matter, space, time and movement which constructed basic essence of imperfect world, and which are global or otherwise to tell fundamental categories of universe.
Universe has arisen as erroneous imperfect image of Sophia who had no the consent of Spirit. As a result primary prince or supreme archon of imperfect world did not possess global category which is the source of life.
Primary idea replaced global source of life and consequently imperfect world possessed existence. But imperfect world was carried out defectively as the life arises when there is consent of Spirit.
Prince of imperfect world had five global categories which are movement, energy, matter, space and time, but he did not possess the category of life.
Global categories were ordered in the image and likeness of indestructible aeons of perfect pleroma which existed before wrong origin of imperfect world. Namely primary prince has taken force from Sophia, and according to this great force in the Universe there was actual image of divine order which is similar to perfect pleroma, but the life was absent.
Supreme prince possessed movement and primary idea which are spiritualized by Sophia, and consequently global categories were sources of motive forces as a result of which imperfect world began to exist. But however imperfect world had no life which occurs from Spirit.
Apocryphon of John for description of motive forces of imperfect world uses names of archons whose characteristics are not clear, and consequently it is possible to use comprehensible modern terms which are denominations of global categories.
Ratio of global categories with zodiac signs in astrological formal-symbolical models of various levels of world reality are shown on charts.
Latin letters on charts correspond to physical sizes and designations which are applied in the scientific physics.
Time - T.
Space - S distance.
Energy - E.
Matter - M weight.
Movement - C speed.
Life - G.
The life is not physical size from the view point of contemporary scientific physics, but Latin letter G corresponds to English words GENESIS and GENIUS.

ratio of global categories with names of archons in the Apocryphon of John


Left chart - model of perfect world.
G life - Aries and Libra.
C movement - Virgo and Pisces.
T time - Crab and Capricorn.
S space - Gemini and Sagittarius.
M matter - Taurus and the Scorpio.
E energy - Leo and Aquarius.
Global categories of universe within the perfect world correspond with twelve aeons of godlike pleroma.
Central chart - model of imperfect world.
G life - Virgo and Pisces.
C movement - Aries and Libra.
Zodiacal positions of global categories of universe in astrological models of perfect and imperfect worlds are almost identical. Namely only the life and movement have different positions. Because the structure of imperfect world was ordered in the image and likeness of twelve aeons of perfect godlike pleroma, but supreme archon did not possess the global world category which is the source of life. The primary idea of supreme archon replaced category of life, and as a result movement was a source for existence of infernal forces of imperfect world.
And only then instead of primary idea of supreme archon there was realization of life, when human personality became alive in the imperfect world. And before human personality did not possess the life, but had only the movement as well as all infernal forces of imperfect world, though the man was motionless, that is written in the Apocryphon of John.
"All the angels and demons worked until they had constructed the natural body, and their product was completely inactive and motionless for a long time".
Right chart - model of astral sphere in the discrete world.
G life - Aries and Libra.
C movement - Crab and Capricorn.
T time - Virgo and Pisces.
S space - Gemini and Sagittarius.
M matter - Taurus and the Scorpio.
E energy - Leo and Aquarius.
Zodiacal positions of global categories of universe within astrological circle in the discrete world have formed three crosses.
Life and movement - cross of cardinal zodiac signs Aries, Libra, Crab, Capricorn.
Space and time - cross of mutable zodiac signs Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces.
Matter and energy - cross of firm zodiac signs Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius.
Because global categories of universe within the limits of discrete world became polarized, and can keep stability only in the event that dual contradictions of polar forces are counterbalanced by zodiacal ratios which are caused by three crosses within astrological circle.
In total astrological circle is image of the divine order according to which global categories were ordered within the limits of imperfect world and became similar to aeons of perfect pleroma. And also astrological circle is universal image of the divine order according to which there was origin of discrete world and generation of human personality, but ratios of global categories with zodiac signs at different levels of universe are different or otherwise to tell deformed on comparison with primary Pronoia of invisible Spirit. Because levels of imperfect and discrete worlds are immersed in darkness or otherwise to tell in a chasm of ignorance. Namely powers of imperfect and discrete worlds cannot see divine aeons of perfect pleroma, but they possess image of the godlike order which is taken from Sophia, that also corresponds to esoteric concepts of the Chinese canon of changes I Ching in which context celestial top spheres of universe are light, and terrestrial bottom areas are dark.
When divine aeons of perfect pleroma have seen origin of wrong primary idea then all godlike phenomena in the consent with will and word of the Christ have given life on the imperfect world to correct defect.
When global category of the life has been shown then in the imperfect world there was origin of godlike image of the perfect man who has initially been created in twelve aeons of divine pleroma. Namely godlike image of perfect human personality began to exist within the limits of space, time, matter, energy and movement of imperfect world. Because in the imperfect world there was origin of divine life movement according to which the perfect man was carried out.
Embodiment of human personality became the reason of that movement and life within imperfect world began to belong to the man, then supreme prince or primary archon has lost possibility and has no further potential of own realization. But the man has the right of further creation which can be directed on transformation of imperfect levels of universe.

Following page describes epinoia of divine light and processes which are consequence of existence of human personality in the imperfect and discrete world reality.


Also on subsequent pages it is possible to find information about book of Genesis in the Bible and evolution of human souls, triangles of zodiac signs and divine light of world reality, scientific psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, luminous epinoia of perfect aeons and realization of Brahman or primary idea, psycho-physiological bodies of men and women.
