models of world reality

formal-symbolical charts

unity of three faces

Page 2.

astrological models of physiognomic symbols
global categories and image of universe
scientific theology and occult theosophy
Taoism and Jungian analytical psychology
spiritual qualities of human personality
immortality of psycho-physiological bodies
transformation of discrete world

astrological model of universe  

Astrological circle and canon of changes I Ching.
The second page describes structural construction of the perfect pleroma which have been formed by forces and sources of creation of divine Trinity. And also second page describes astrological models or charts according to which hexagrams of the Book of Changes I Ching correspond with zodiac signs and form triangles which symbolize constructive design or structural construction of perfect and imperfect levels of world reality.

Information of this page can be interesting to people who use the Chinese Book of Changes I Ching as mantic or conjectural oracle for fortunetelling divinations. Because according to parities of hexagrams of the canon or Book of Changes I Ching with zodiac signs it is possible to realize philosophical meanings and mantic senses or conjectural values, and also to analyze esoteric laws of world reality and universal principles of human life.
Parities of hexagrams I Ching with astrological zodiac signs are shown in gallery which you can use for fortunetelling divinations or predictions by means of the Chinese Book of Changes.


Astrological models of universe.
Hexagrams I Ching and triangles of zodiac signs.

The Christ is Light which was born by invisible Spirit from the image of Pronoia which possesses the forethought, foreknowledge, indestructibility, eternal life and truth. He is the Son within divine Trinity or he is YAHWE who began to exist owing to Pronoia and possesses consciousness, ennoia (will) and word (logos), and also who has qualities of four aeons of godlike light which is shown in mercy, sympathy, mutual understanding and judiciousness.
The consciousness, will and word are three sources of creation which according to four aeons of godlike light form twelve aeons of the perfect pleroma which is universal prototype of universe, and also is divine image to which the man is similar.
In the Apocryphon of apostle John about sources of creation it is told: "from the foreknowledge of the perfect mind, through the revelation of the will of the invisible Spirit and the word of the Christ there was perfect Man who is the first revelation and the truth". Namely four aeons of godlike light as a result of creative processes by means of three sources of creation were reflected in twelve aeons of divine pleroma and have created the image of first perfect man, that is shown on the chart.

twelve aeons of divine pleroma and the image of first perfect man Qualities of four aeons of godlike light correspond with quarters or quadrants of astrological circle.
Twelve aeons of perfect pleroma correspond with zodiac signs.
Three sources of creation are carried out according to qualities of four aeons of godlike light, and as a result it forms twelve aeons of divine perfect pleroma.
Denominations of twelve aeons of perfect pleroma on the chart are names, because it is phenomena of the divine world.
Names of aeons are Greek words which in the Apocryphon of apostle John not always possess adequate semantic values, and are not always translated authentically into English language. Therefore it is necessary to analyze semantic word meanings, and to realize original esoteric senses or mystical meanings which are included in names of divine phenomena of world reality.


First light Armozel - divine force of mercy.
Aeons of perfect pleroma: Grace - Truth - Form.
Signs of zodiac: Pisces - Aquarius - Capricorn.
Second light Oriel - force of sympathy.
Aeons of perfect pleroma: Conception - Sensation - Memory.
Signs of zodiac: Sagittarius - Scorpio - Libra.
Third light Daveithai - quality of mutual understanding.
Aeons of perfect pleroma: Insight - Love - Form.
Signs of zodiac: Virgo - Leo - Crab.
Fourth light Eleleth - divine quality of judiciousness.
Aeons of perfect pleroma: Perfection - Peace - Wisdom (Sophia).
Signs of zodiac: Gemini - Taurus - Aries.
Names of two aeons of perfect pleroma in zodiac signs Crab and Capricorn are the Greek words which are translated into English language by semantic meanings as FORM. But actually everyone aeon has own name.
In the text of Apocryphon of John it is told, that the initial perfect man has been placed in the first aeon of godlike light. And in the second, third and fourth aeons of godlike light there are human beings who have originated from the initial perfect man. All of them are creations who exist in the sphere of twelve aeons and praise invisible Spirit, because they are created by word of the Christ and foreknowledge of the perfect mind through revelation of divine will.
So Gnostic Apocryphon of John describes the prototype of ideal man and perfect world in which there is existence of godlike creations who are created in the image and likeness of the God and divine Trinity.
But also Apocryphon of John describes the deformed human image which has arisen according to the perfect prototype of indestructible aeons, but which has been created without consent of Holy Spirit in spheres of imperfect worlds. Therefore it is necessary to consider different ratios of divine phenomena of perfect pleroma and powers of imperfect worlds with astrological circle and zodiac signs. Namely it is necessary to consider that astrological circle is formal-symbolical model or universal scheme of universe in which there are various realms or otherwise to tell different celestial areas of space spheres where perfect divine phenomena and imperfect infernal powers of world reality have different ratios with twelve zodiac signs.
The scheme of perfect pleroma is formed by aeons of godlike light which has four qualities and corresponds with cardinal points of astrological circle, that corresponds to equinoxes and solstices, or four seasons of year. But formal-symbolical astrological model of imperfect world is formed by powers of four natural elements, namely by fire, ground, air, water, which are other phenomena of universe rather than aeons of godlike light, that is shown on the chart.

powers of four natural elements and cardinal points of astrological circle Four natural world elements form three sectors or thirds of zodiac astrological circle.
Elementals of fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - numbers 1-5-9.
Elementals of ground - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - numbers 2-6-10.
Elementals of air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - numbers 3-7-11.
Elementals of water - Crab, Scorpio, Pisces - numbers 4-8-12.
Total each third of astrological circle consists of four natural elements, that corresponds to formal-symbolical model of the imperfect world.
Four aeons of godlike light are reflected in natural elements, but are not identical. And also sources of perfect pleroma are projected on thirds of astrological circle, but are not identical. Because three sources of creation of divine aeons of perfect pleroma are connected with cardinal, firm and mutable signs of zodiac.
Mind or consciousness - cardinal signs of zodiac - numbers 1-4-7-10.
Will or ennoia - firm signs of zodiac - numbers 2-5-8-11.
Word or logos - mutable signs of zodiac - numbers 3-6-9-12.

Formal-symbolical astrological models of perfect pleroma and imperfect world levels can be correlated with hexagrams of the Chinese canon of changes I Ching. Namely four types of digrams or pairs of lines in hexagrams can be correlated to quarters or quadrants of astrological circle and world elements. And three positions of digrams in hexagrams can be correlated to thirds of astrological circle and three types of cardinal, firm and mutable zodiac signs. As a result hexagrams of the Chinese canon of changes I Ching can be presented within astrological circle in geometrical forms of triangles.
For example, third hexagram I Ching in space of astrological models of different levels of world reality forms triangles which are shown on following charts.

Formal-symbolical model of perfect pleroma.

hexagram I Ching in space of astrological models of world reality Lines in hexagrams of the Chinese canon I Ching form three digrams.
Digrams on top position are designated by letter Z.
Digrams on middle position are designated by letter Y.
Digrams on bottom position are designated by letter X.
Lines are entire or break, and consequently there are four types of digrams which in the context of canon of changes I Ching correspond with numbers of Chinese numerology.
- number 6.
- number 7.
- number 8.
- number 9.
In particular three digrams of third hexagram I Ching correspond to letters and numbers: Z8, Y6, X8.
Look more detailed information on positions and versions of six lines in hexagrams of the Chinese canon of changes on pages of this website in section where ratio of symbols I Ching with logical system of mimic motions and emotions of a human face is described.

Signs of zodiac are designated by similar letters and numbers.
Letters Z-Y-X designate cardinal, firm and mutable signs which correspond to three sources of creation of perfect pleroma.
Numbers of Chinese numerology 6-7-8-9 designate quarters of astrological circle, that corresponds to four aeons of godlike light
Geometrical triangle of third hexagram I Ching according to letters and numbers in the space of astrological model of perfect pleroma corresponds with zodiac signs Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, or otherwise to tell there corresponds to three aeons which have names of Love, Memory and Conception.

Formal-symbolical model of imperfect world.
Conscious sphere.

three tops of triangle and designations with astrological signs of zodiac Letters X-Y-Z designate three thirds of astrological circle.
Numbers of Chinese numerology 6-7-8-9 designate four world elements.
Three tops of triangle according to these designations correspond with astrological signs of zodiac Crab, Libra and Pisces in elements of water and air.
Thirds of astrological circle within formal-symbolical model of imperfect world symbolize powers which are similar to sources of creation of perfect pleroma, but they are others as correspond to the three triple-power archons which are written in Gnostic book which is named as Pistis Sophia.
"I found Pistis Sophia below the thirteenth aeon all alone and no one of them with her. And she sat in that region grieving and mourning, because she had not been admitted into the thirteenth aeon, her higher region. And she was moreover grieving because of the torments which Self-willed, who is one of the three triple-powers, had inflicted on her".
Pay attention that the thirteenth aeon corresponds with perfect pleroma, and Self-willed is the prince of imperfect world or supreme archon who has resulted from realization of not authorized desire of Sophia, that is in detail described on following pages in this section of website.

Formal-symbolical model of imperfect world.
Unconscious sphere.

numbers of Chinese numerology and four elements as hexagram I Ching Letters Z-Y-X designate three thirds of astrological circle, just as in formal-symbolical model of conscious sphere of imperfect world, but differently.
Letter Z designates ratio of top digram in hexagram with 1st third of astrological circle.
Letter X designates ratio of bottom digram with 3rd third of astrological circle.
Numbers of Chinese numerology 6-7-8-9 designate four natural elements.
Three tops of triangle according to these designations correspond with zodiac signs Crab, Libra and Pisces in elements of water and air, just as in the formal-symbolical model of conscious sphere of imperfect world, but differently in relation to three digrams in the third hexagram of the Book of Changes I Ching.

If to consider ratio of lines in hexagram I Ching and three parts of astrological circle with features of a human face then bottom digram and 1st third symbolize feelings and emotional expressions of mouth. Also top digram and 3rd third of astrological circle symbolize consciousness and emotional expressions of eyebrows.
Therefore if bottom corresponds with 1st third and top corresponds with 3rd third, and in essence if feelings correspond to feelings and consciousness corresponds to consciousness then sphere of imperfect world is conscious.
But if feelings correspond to consciousness, and consciousness corresponds to feelings, then sphere of imperfect world is unconscious.
Because imperfect world within universe is the level of primary idea or supreme archon who is darkness of ignorance or otherwise to tell connection of conscious with unconscious mentality, as it is written in the Apocryphon of apostle John.
"And he joined with his arrogance which is in him and begot authorities for himself".
"And he shared his fire with them, but he did not send forth from the power of the light, ... for he is ignorant darkness. And when the light had mixed with the darkness, it caused the darkness to shine. And when the darkness had mixed with the light, it darkened the light and it became neither light nor dark, but it became dim. Now the archon who is weak has three names. The first name is Yaltabaoth, the second is Saklas, and the third is Samael. And he is impious in his arrogance which is in him".

Pay attention that three names of the supreme or otherwise to tell triple-power archon correspond to three parts of astrological circle, and connection of darkness with light is the combination of two spheres of imperfect world.

Formal-symbolical model of discrete world.
Astral sphere.

formal-symbolical model of discrete world and astral sphere Numbers of Chinese numerology 6-7-8-9 designate four natural elements.
Letters Z-Y-X designate zones of astrological circle or otherwise to tell zodiacal segments which correspond to speeds of movement of planets or heavenly space bodies in solar system.
Letter X - signs of zodiac Gemini, Crab, Leo, Virgo - Sun, Moon, Mercury.
These heavenly bodies move most quickly.
Letter Y - signs of zodiac Aries, Taurus, Libra, Scorpio - Venus and Mars.
These heavenly bodies move more slowly.
Letter Z - signs of zodiac Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces - Jupiter and Saturn.
These planets move most slowly.

Each planet or heavenly body in space of astrological model of discrete world corresponds with two signs of zodiac, that symbolizes dual or otherwise to tell binary properties which are peculiar to phenomena of this level of universe.
Saturn - Capricorn and Aquarius.
Jupiter - Sagittarius and Pisces.
Mars - Scorpio and Aries.
Venus - Libra and Taurus.
Mercury - Virgo and Gemini.
Sun and Moon - Leo and Crab.
Sun and Moon are heavenly bodies which form dual pair in the context of astrology, namely they are considered as parts of a single whole, and consequently symbolize binary properties of discrete world as other planets.

Formal-symbolical model of discrete world.
Ethereal sphere.

mystical senses of zodiacal positions of heavenly bodies in astrological models Numbers of Chinese numerology 6-7-8-9 designate four natural elements.
Letters Z-Y-X designate zodiacal zones or segments which correspond to speeds of movement of heavenly bodies in solar system .
Zones of fast and slow heavenly bodies within formal-symbolical model of ethereal sphere of discrete world are others in comparison with astral sphere.
Letter X - signs of zodiac Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini - fast heavenly bodies Sun, Moon, Mercury.
Letter Y - signs of zodiac Crab, Leo, Capricorn, Aquarius - slower heavenly bodies Venus and Mars.
Letter Z - signs of zodiac Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius - slowest heavenly bodies Jupiter and Saturn.
Namely zones of fast and slow planets within formal-symbolical model of ethereal sphere are turned on 90 degrees in comparison with astral sphere of discrete world.
Look information about mystical senses of different zodiacal positions of heavenly bodies within astrological formal-symbolical models of two spheres of discrete world on the ninth page in this section of website.

Formal-symbolical model of human personality.
This formal-symbolical model corresponds with psycho-physiological characteristics and parameters of human personality, and also with physical reality of universe.

characteristics of human personality and physical reality of universe Letters Z-Y-X designate cardinal, firm and mutable zodiac signs, that corresponds to three sources of creation of perfect pleroma.
Numbers of Chinese numerology 6-7-8-9 designate four natural elements which correspond to powers of imperfect and discrete worlds.
Three tops of triangle according to these parameters correspond to signs of zodiac Crab, Aquarius and Pisces.

Sources of creation in astrological model of human personality are similar to perfect pleroma, but four natural elements correspond to properties of imperfect and discrete worlds. Because human personality or ideal man is image and likeness of divine perfect pleroma, but people are discrete essences which exist in imperfect levels of world reality.
On pages of the Apocryphon of John it is written that epinoia of godlike light is concealed in human personality. Namely it is written: "The luminous epinoia was hidden in Adam, in order that archons might not know her". Therefore aeons of perfect pleroma correspond with astrological model of human personality differently rather than infernal powers of imperfect and discrete worlds. And consequently hexagrams of the canon of changes I Ching form unequal triangles in astrological models of four levels of world reality.
Triangles allow to understand philosophical meanings and mystical values of hexagrams, and also allow to realize psycho-physiological characteristics and parameters of a human person. Namely according to ratios of triangles with astrological signs of zodiac it is possible to analyze esoteric principles and divine laws of universe.
Look pictures of triangles in gallery.

triangles of hexagrams in gallery


Following page shows physiognomic symbols of human emotions or otherwise to tell emotional images which allow to estimate influence of different levels of world reality on a human person.

Also on nine pages of this part of website look data about unity of three faces and astrological models of physiognomic symbols, transformation of discrete world or global categories and mystical image of universe, scientific theology and occult theosophy, Taoism and Jungian analytical psychology, spiritual qualities of human personality and immortality of psycho-physiological bodies.
